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NikoNissen 2019-02-05 09:29

This Is amazing! You are quite fast!

germundal 2019-02-05 14:22

That really took no time! Nice work! Looking forward to updates and news about this. Good luck! :applad:

marmar 2019-02-05 17:22

Looks truly amazing, well done! :drool:

Hgv 2019-02-06 14:13


Ursprungligen postat av GBE_Tobi (Inlägg 313773)
To the question with the signals:

The plan is in the moment to create just the train, no signals. This is enough work... Additionally, I don't know how to script own signals...

Well, I guess it's possible to make a basic ATC simulation just based on the track speed and signals, as some freeware developers have already done.

And the train looks really good! :tumme_upp:

raztel 2019-02-07 07:34

This looks amazing already. This will be fantastic to drive with :D keep up the good work

kenkari 2019-02-07 20:05

Nice! Finally a train that I drive every day at work :)

KnudB 2019-02-15 19:58


Ursprungligen postat av NikoNissen (Inlägg 313684)
I think that some of the most demanded trains for TS in Sweden (and Scandinavia in general) would be the following:

- SJ/DSB X31K (The danish community would also love this since the train runs in both countries)

- SJ X60 pendeltåg (runs in the Stockholm area)

- SJ X55

- NSB BM 73 (Norwegian train that runs between Norway and Sweden)

I know it is not Swedish but we in Denmark would also like some :)

- DSB IR4 - it is an electric variant of DSB IC3 as you now very well
- DSB ET - the danish version of X31K - identical but another logo and numbers. If only X31K is made we have several repainters who will love to paint it ;)
- DSB EA - Electric locomotive
- DSB EG - Heavy Electric locomotive made by Siemens

@GBE_Tobi you are welcome to join our forum at too :)

NordicPlayZ 2019-02-16 23:38

im so much exsited for the train to come out. its aldready looking very good:tumme_upp: and already saving up for the train if its being a payware

(sorry for my bad aenglish im from denmark and not that good to english)

GBE_Tobi 2019-02-23 15:16

2 bifogad(e) fil(er)
Hi everybody!

Thank you for the kind words. I am very happy you like the model already!

Today, I like to show you some new Pictures from the current process. The X31 drives already...:D

Bifogad fil 77450

Also I have a question to you:
Does anybody have detailed photos of the cab? Our does somebody knows someone who could have detailed photos? Especially of the marked input fields? Sadly, I didn't found pictures in the internet, where all buttons are readable... Just big photos like this one.

Bifogad fil 77451

Have a nice weekend!


kevpa00 2019-02-23 17:50

Wow, Model is coming along nicely! Cannot wait to try it out! :D Sadly i do not have images of specific areas. :/

Totte 2019-02-23 20:07

Make sure the X31 is approaching the end. Fits very well to my route because Gothenburg is there.:tumme_upp:

McDOZ 2019-02-23 21:20

Kanon Tobi!

kenkari 2019-02-24 12:53

1 bifogad(e) fil(er)
That is the old radio. It has been removed since.
I have some pictures if you want:

kenkari 2019-02-24 13:01

1 bifogad(e) fil(er)
Here is another picture:
Bifogad fil 77454

kenkari 2019-02-24 13:06

2 bifogad(e) fil(er)
and more pictures:

Bifogad fil 77455

Bifogad fil 77456

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