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ekankal 2013-09-15 20:15

Traktor BM LM218 baklastare som sceneryobjekt
4 bifogad(e) fil(er)
Lennarts fina baklastare som vanliga scenery-objekt som det fanns önskemål om :).

xcrossing 2013-10-25 12:18

Tack för fina traktorer / Thank you for fine tractors
Howdy from Denver Colorado:
Very fine vehicles
All the best to you.
Gerry Reid

ex-railwayman 2014-01-11 12:05

Fantastic creations, thank you very much, these will be very popular on many different routes. :applad:

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :vinka:

JohnnyC1 2014-09-28 22:32

Thanks, I am always looking for odd industrial trucks.

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