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TSW studio update - April
Originaltråden här:
https://live.dovetailgames.com/live/...769.1547559088 Klistrar dock in det som intresserar mig mest, editorn: That’s fantastic, thanks Matt. Before I let you go, what’s the latest news on the Editor? Going great! We’ve been able to successfully deploy the full dev kit up to the Epic Launcher, grant access to it to a group of closed beta testers and they’ve been busily using it and providing some feedback to us on their experiences. I’m delighted to say that the feedback is very positive and there have already been some great successes in terms of learning how to create, package and share scenarios as well as starting to learn the much more intensive process of route building. We are still a way off a public beta yet however the recent milestones have provided significant confidence that it’s definitely evolving away from being our internal tool to something available for anyone to use. Following that success we have been re-integrating all the changes to the public editor back in to our internal version, our ultimate goal being that we’re all using the same editor and we’ll certainly have this completed before the public beta launches. We want you to use the same tools we’re using and it’s great to see that our closed beta testers are already able to grasp them and start creating interesting content almost within the first couple of days of getting access. The other area we’re starting to really focus in on now is documentation and samples. We already have a starter documentation pack covering various topics from creating rail vehicles to making routes and scenarios and we’re looking to expand that based on the feedback we’re getting. Thanks again for your time, Matt. |
Det låter inte som de är nära ett släpp.
We are still a way off a public beta Hade hoppats i vår men nu är det risk att det blir hösten. Bättre sent än aldrig. |
Tråkigt att inte Editorn blir klar inom närmste tiden.
TSW kom 16 mars 2017 De har hållit på med den över 2 år nu. Men för julen 2020 borde den verkligen vara klar. (hur man nu ska tolka We are still a way off a public beta) TSW går lite i kräftgång just nu, när man inte kan ens göra egna aktiviteter. Det skapas få rutter när inte de externa företagen har möjlighet att göra rutter. Jag tror TSW blommar ut när den kommer. Vad är det man säger bättre än sent än aldrig |
Matt skrev om Editorn härom dagen , inga stora nyheter. Men vissa saker är intressanta
Not trying to perfect it for the first release at all - we're putting it out as an open beta and there will probably be a big bunch of caveats and "let us know how you get on" and "try these things, see if things break" comments. We already know from using it ourselves that the editor is fully functional, there are probably going to be some areas that people find issues when handling cooked content but hopefully that's been minimised. The point of the open beta will be to explore all that and iron it out, much quicker with everyones help. What's crucial at the moment is how we deploy it, how it accesses your DLC content, how it can be updated, how it can handle DLC being updated or new bits of DLC appearing etc, all kinds of tedious but crucial stuff. This also includes good reproducible build procedures and upload procedures to the Epic servers and many other exciting things. We are also looking at the initial base set of documentation to make sure there's enough there to get you started even if it isn't 100% complete (by *any* means) - the nature of unreal is that you really need some guidance about what things do what and where they are, e.g. there is no "create formation" button, you need to know to make a "data asset" of type "train formation" and then how to use it. There's lots to do, but it's largely witchcraft unless you're an engineer. Splitting the editor up is not possible, it's an all or nothing thing, unreal is one big toolset. That's just how it works, but hey, good news is it's all there anyway, so no need to split anything up. I appreciate everyone is super excited about the editor coming, just need you to hang on a bit longer. In terms of updates - i'm just not sure what to actually say at the moment that isn't just more of the "yes it is still coming". I can't give you an indication of when it'll be available yet - the minute that's possible i'm pretty sure there'll be lots of exciting news about it :) Once we get to a launch window for the editor, it'll make much more sense to ramp up videos and streams of the editor to support the training / documentation side of things as well. Matt. |
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