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Sök: Inlägg gjorda av: masterfd
Forum: Trainz - Allmänt om Trainz 2013-09-26, 22:05
Svar: 8 409
Visningar: 3 797 691
Postat av masterfd
hello once again after a big vacation and the...

hello once again after a big vacation and the start of school in portugal.
I don't have a lot of progress in my route but i'm going to show what i've done to this day.
Forum: Trainz - Allmänt om Trainz 2013-07-10, 17:05
Svar: 8 409
Visningar: 3 797 691
Postat av masterfd
Post This is second set of photos, I hope they are as...

This is second set of photos, I hope they are as good as the first set. (
Forum: Trainz - Downloads 2013-07-09, 00:31
Svar: 41
Visningar: 90 961
Postat av masterfd
I did that and saved it but it's keeping say...

I did that and saved it but it's keeping say faulty
Forum: Trainz - Downloads 2013-07-08, 02:34
Svar: 41
Visningar: 90 961
Postat av masterfd
Hi... i have a problem with some of the...

i have a problem with some of the locomotives.
they aren't working for me and when i saw the error it said.

Error: The tag 'speedlimit' is not valid for kind 'traincar'
Forum: Trainz - Allmänt om Trainz 2013-07-06, 21:10
Svar: 8 409
Visningar: 3 797 691
Postat av masterfd
Post This is my first set of screenshots on this...

This is my first set of screenshots on this forum.
I hope you guys like them. (
Forum: Trainz - Downloads 2013-07-05, 22:14
Svar: 29
Visningar: 63 838
Postat av masterfd
i have a problem, i can't find the...

i have a problem, i can't find the kuid:67375:1029;
Can someone help me please?
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