Ämne: Trainzportu
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Gammal 2010-05-25, 01:36   #69
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
Ort: Onsala, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 8 149

those are really amazing models you´re making. But looking at all those details I can´t restrain from asking a few things:

How many polygons are the Renfe 4000 ? Honestly!
Is Renfe 4000 a LOD model, and how many steps are you using ?

I´m asking of pure curiosity because I´m myself struggling with these problems.

It´s very nice of you letting us, on the swedish Trainz Forum, take part in your work! Perhaps it could lead up to some Portuguise-Swedish cooporation in the future ?

Your'e making a tremedously good work!

Keep on:

"Det är kanske för sent att lära sig nåt nytt" - Bengan travesti

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