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Gammal 2013-02-07, 00:22   #6266
Nils Blid
Reg.datum: Dec 2009
Ort: Malmö
Inlägg: 2 055

Ursprungligen postat av herlev Visa inlägg
Hi Sweden.
What am super route you have made there.
I hope it will become aviable for download at some time.
I use Trainz 2009 and i would like to get some Swedish routes
if i can as there is not much from Denmark..
Hope you can tell me where to find some detailed Swedish routes
I am from Denmark [ Copenhagen ] but at the moment living
in China.
Hope to se much more trainz from Sweden.
Tonny. [ herlev ]
Hi Tonny

If you send med your emailadress perhabs I can help you. Tell me also which version you have (ex 3.1 or 3.3) and even which Windows ( XP or Win7/8). Used:


Senast redigerad av svenolov den 2013-02-07 klockan 08:19.
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