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Gammal 2018-06-26, 17:15   #15
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 525

Såg detta. Det var samma som Mazz skrev om

Don't worry, a 3rd party editor is in the works, and its development is completely independent of the game content and its development

During the Consoles preview stream (aka PS4 gameplay preview) a DTG representative was in chat, like usual during an official DTG stream, and they answered a user who had a question about the editor saying they'd share news with us soon. Now soon we can suppose it is now but the end of this month, somewhen in July, or August,t hat we don't know.

Matt did also mention to us (in discord, and a few months ago iirc) there's already a couple 3rd party dev teams learning and practicing development with the UE4 editor, so that as soon as DTG release their editor, those devs can start their adaption and transition to develop content for TSW.


DTG_Luke [utvecklare] 25 jun @ 10:26

Ok TheMadHatter, time for me to step in here I think.
I'm afraid your expert analysis is flawed, because as others have pointed out, you're continuing to completely ignore the business model that DTG followed with Train Simulator. Our third party partners have produced so much content that it has kept the game alive for so long. It is the same business model we intend to carry over to Train Sim World.

Now we could have gone the route other game developers have gone and just released the standard Unreal 4 editor on launch, but this would have been a very, very bad move. We've already had a lot of critisim about how user-unfriendly the editor in Train Simulator is, and if you think the standard Unreal editor is any easier to use, you're dead wrong. Just give it a go and see for yourself. Someone with no background in games creation wouldn't know where to start with it!

We've been putting in a lot of work on our heavilly modified editor. Not only are we introducing more features to the editor, like the simugraph, the ability to include DLC content in scenarios without giving away the source and several other things, but we've also put a lot of effort into making the editor more user friendly and easier to use overall, even for beginners. As said, we want third parties to start creating content, but with the amount of critisim we've had over Train Simulator's editor, we also want to get this one right. Unfortunately, we can't do that and rush it.
Compounding the time is also the legal wranglings. We've made a lot of changes to the unreal editor, this requires us to agree on a special licence with Epic to release it.

And when we release the editor, which we will do as soon as we're happy that it's ready, it will be free of charge. We've always said this.
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