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Gammal 2019-01-16, 14:40   #57
Reg.datum: Sep 2009
Ort: Stockholm, Norrort
Inlägg: 264

Jag läste tråden. Och det verkar vara något med hårddisken att göra.

Jag har TRS2019 på en HDD hårddisk. Och jag tror att man ska ha TRS2019 på en SSD hårddisk, med nån typ av program som gör att den blir snabb eller nånting.

Här är ett inlägg ifrån tråden:

Julian3ce - Looking at your benchmarks above, I'd like to suggest one thing that could make a big, noticeable difference to the performance of your rig right now for no extra outlay that it seems you haven't done already:
i.e. Set up one of your two Samsung 850 EVO SSDs to use Rapid Mode (DDR3 RAM cache for your SSD to vastly increase its performance).
Then run your version of TRS2019 from that augmented drive. You will be amazed at the difference! (Best results come from it also being your boot drive, so consider using the 500Gb one for that purpose too).
Use the latest Samsung Magician software to create the Rapid Drive - a free download from the Samsung website.
The GTX 680 is a great, but now aging card. The about-to-be-released RTX 2060 (if priced intelligently by nVidia) could well be a great replacement option for those who are still rocking these venerable cards.
Better performance and greater efficiency with lower power requirements coupled with the latest graphics capabilities and features for less than you originally paid for the 680.
Mvh RobertE.
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