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Gammal 2021-03-03, 23:09   #13
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 793

Not sure which thread to post this in, but I have a problem whenever I have a long player train with the Fammoorr wagons. If the train is longer than about 25 wagons, it "jumps" at the start of the scenario causing some wagons to derail (see picture).

It seems the only workaround is to use shorter trains, or to connect more wagons to the player train after starting the scenario. For example, if I start with 28 wagons, and connect another 20, and then another 20, it seems I don't get the derailment. That seems to be the only way for the player to run full length trains (68 wagons).

This problem appears to affect the player train only - AI trains are running fine. I suppose it's because TS handles the player train physics differently from AI trains.
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Filtyp: jpg Screenshot_Narvik-Kiruna-Lulea_68.34761-18.83554_06-51-44.jpg (154.8 KB, 242 visningar)
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