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Gammal 2024-09-21, 01:51   #445
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 810

This is the latest version:

The one on Banbyggarna is a very old version. It may be that this version works as it's a lot less complex with less signalling and it doesn't include any of the layout around Stockholm which I have included in the later versions (in hindsight that should probably have been a separate route...).

I would suggest if you want to run the route to make a separate installation of an older TS version as explained previously. Alternatively you can try to disable certain signals, but you may still run into problems e.g. when a train activates a crossing signal. With the old TS version the signals should work predictably with no crashes.

In the DTG forums I have tried to raise the issue of scripts causing crashes in the later TS versions but I haven't received any official response. I'm not sure if there is another way to contact DTG about it.
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