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Gammal 2009-01-29, 03:38   #1
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 501
Standard Uttalande från RSDL

Idag har Tim Gatland gjort följande uttalande:

Jan 28 At RSDL, we are acutely aware that our future prospects are intrinsically linked to the underlying health of the simulator community that shares our passion for trains. We recognise that, for our community to be strong, it needs products and services that address a wide range of interests. It is very sad therefore to see the recent news concerning Microsoft's Aces Studio.
As fellow developers, we know the bitter disappointment that comes from having a videogame project cancelled before completion, and we also appreciate the personal pain being suffered by those who are presently being laid off. We wish them all success in finding new roles and hope that we will have the opportunity of working with some of the individuals in the future.
We know of many community members who were eagerly anticipating Train Simulator 2; indeed we expected that the product would help generate interest in simulation for a new generation of fans which would have ultimately benefited all of us. So this news is also a blow for everyone who loves virtual railroading - we firmly believe that our pursuit should not be restricted to one technology or business model.
Some of you will know that at RSDL we have been working hard on new products and business concepts that we believe will significantly enhance the Virtual Rail experience. In pursuing our goals, we want to encourage new recruits to the railway simulator community and we believe that we can achieve this by creating compelling content and also by providing the tools for others to do likewise - for both pleasure and profit.
We will be making a series of significant announcements in the next eight weeks and want to assure you of our long term commitment to virtual railroading, it's all that we do!
Enjoy your Simming
Tim Gatland
Managing Director

Originalplats här:
/Mazz ... ... ...

Senast redigerad av Mazz den 2009-01-29 klockan 03:39.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 10:23   #2
Tidigare mrdaddydj
Reg.datum: Oct 2003
Ort: Oslo, Norway
Inlägg: 1 068
Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till Erik.H Skicka ett meddelande via Skype™ till Erik.H

Ursprungligen postat av Mazz
Idag har Tim Gatland gjort följande uttalande:

Jan 28 At RSDL, we are acutely aware that our future prospects are intrinsically linked to the underlying health of the simulator community that shares our passion for trains. We recognise that, for our community to be strong, it needs products and services that address a wide range of interests. It is very sad therefore to see the recent news concerning Microsoft's Aces Studio.
As fellow developers, we know the bitter disappointment that comes from having a videogame project cancelled before completion, and we also appreciate the personal pain being suffered by those who are presently being laid off. We wish them all success in finding new roles and hope that we will have the opportunity of working with some of the individuals in the future.
We know of many community members who were eagerly anticipating Train Simulator 2; indeed we expected that the product would help generate interest in simulation for a new generation of fans which would have ultimately benefited all of us. So this news is also a blow for everyone who loves virtual railroading - we firmly believe that our pursuit should not be restricted to one technology or business model.
Some of you will know that at RSDL we have been working hard on new products and business concepts that we believe will significantly enhance the Virtual Rail experience. In pursuing our goals, we want to encourage new recruits to the railway simulator community and we believe that we can achieve this by creating compelling content and also by providing the tools for others to do likewise - for both pleasure and profit.
We will be making a series of significant announcements in the next eight weeks and want to assure you of our long term commitment to virtual railroading, it's all that we do!
Enjoy your Simming
Tim Gatland
Managing Director

Originalplats här:
Låter ju bra det. Har vart lite orolig för hur mycket arbete RSDL vill lägga ned på simulatorhobbyn, men detta svarar ju på mina frågetecken, så jag är riktigt nöjd.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 11:11   #3
Admin & STW-member
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: , , Sweden.
Inlägg: 5 814


Det hade varit en dröm men föga troligt. Blir spännande att se vad detta kan bli iaf!
Din lokala fotograf -
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 16:32   #4
Tidigare mrdaddydj
Reg.datum: Oct 2003
Ort: Oslo, Norway
Inlägg: 1 068
Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till Erik.H Skicka ett meddelande via Skype™ till Erik.H

Ursprungligen postat av Fredrik

Det hade varit en dröm men föga troligt. Blir spännande att se vad detta kan bli iaf!
Wow! Coolt!

P.S du har väl fått min betalning nu?
Erik.H besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat


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