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Gammal 2011-04-22, 12:45   #1
Reg.datum: Jul 2010
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 562
Standard Mer info om kommande RW uppdateringar

Finns tillgängligt på's facebook sida men tänkte ändå citera Paul Jackson för de som inte har snappat upp det eller vill ta på sig sina aluminiumfoliehattar och spåna om vad detta egentligen betyder

OK so this is my first real look at the new technology that’s been coming together over the last nine months or so. It’s still some way off so here are some caveats about anything I will talk about. Also should make it plain that this is dev code, may not all make it into the upgrade, should do mind. PS: It’s also my notes built up time so feels a bit stream of consciousness like, that’s deliberate otherwise it will just sound like a load of jumble and it won’t make sense even to me!

Firstly I have promised absolutely NOT to discuss anything to do with the graphics engine, that’s been the focus of a huge amount of work and I am under complete embargo (on pain of death) from talking about that yet… other than to say our target is to jump from 2007 to 2011 in a single bound! Secondly I won’t be talking about Multi-player, it’s easy to do a crappy version, seeing a lot of that about. We don’t want to make that mistake, so not ready to talk about it yet.

We’ve been investing a huge amount in improving the technology behind RailWorks and I’m just beginning to see some of the results – these changes will make use of some of the improvements in PCs and graphics cards of the last 5 years .

First impression is that it’s still early code, no surprise there! Hmm! Is this our new route in the Allegany’s? As a birdwatcher it’s will be good to hear the new North American bird songs coming through. Some of Tim’s family come from Pennsylvania, so we had better get that right!

The consist is huge, got to be well over a mile long. Been told it takes more than four minutes to roll by at a reasonable speed (will try that later). 100 plus wagons. OK it’s a UP ES44 on point, well that’s inappropriate! But a good mix of loco’s, also SD70’s and Dash 9’s, think I can tell they are different loco’s from the sounds but I am no expert.
A three, two, two lash up, last two just idling before the climb.

OK, up the hill all going well, Oh! And the route is clearly the Cajon Pass, so I am a nitwit! Thought this was going to be the new route! Trust DEV code to throw me off my game!
OK so continuing my look at the new technology that’s been coming together over the last nine months or so. As before It’s from my notes built up over time so feels a bit stream of consciousness like, that’s deliberate otherwise it will just sound like a load of jumble and it won’t make sense even to me!

Hmm! apparently one of the loco...’s may break down in this scenario, so I’ll have to keep my wits about me, but I haven’t seen that yet!

Reviewed the train pass and yes indeed its long…. Speed dropped from 22.5mph to 16.4mph and the consist took over 4 minutes to pass my viewpoint…. Massive! Lots of debug info floating about on screen. Probably the individual wagon parameters being shown. This is the sort of reality I want, modelling the forces between and along the train, it was one of the big innovations back in the RS days and I don’t think it’s ever been properly explained. The capabilities of the simulation are so powerful, I am always amazed. But in the past the tech could only handle a half mile consist then it would bug out (and nothing else could even do that properly), we are now playing around with 180 wagon consists and making it work, though that might be a bit much for release code!

I keep thinking we really need to help people with the simulation engine. It is unbelievably powerful IF you know how to set up the blueprints properly. Look at the 156 – it’s a fantastic simulation – all down to careful tuning of the blueprint files. I need to think about that, how can we empower more people to do such great work?
Det är allt så långt

Continuing my look at the new technology that’s been coming together over the last nine months or so. As before It’s from my notes built up over time so feels a bit stream of consciousness like, that’s deliberate otherwise it will just sound like a load of jumble and it won’t make sense even to me!

Right another UP ES44, running along ...with camera close to the track and the wagons rolling movement is terrific. Actually might need to be a bit toned down. Each wagon sways independently as it moves past and the feeling of reality is very, very strong. Loco’s moving as well, but in-cab not implemented yet. I need to review against video.

OK looked through the 7idea videos and actually this amount of bucking and swaying might be OK, this is going to be one of those “Looks good in the eye of the beholder” things. A bit like the sounds, when we find the ones we know are the most accurate draw the most fire… Ho hum!

Quick note on the 7idea Videos, fantastic. I want to drive in RW and it look like that. HDR will help, but we are a few years away technologically yet I guess. Love the videos, hope those guys don’t mind a mention I just keep watching the Donner Pass video, stunning.
Försöker bygga Älvsjö godsbangård men svär mest över UVW mappning.

Senast redigerad av Mawkish den 2011-04-22 klockan 18:36. Anledning: Mer info
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Gammal 2011-04-24, 23:16   #2
Reg.datum: Jul 2010
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 562

Kan inte editera min gamla post nu tydligen?! så får bli ett svar med nästa bit av informationen.

Right what am I not seeing yet. The n...ew loading and unloading of wagons on the move, I just can’t see it yet. I think I am seeing the start of the new passenger interactions, feels like they are making progress. I have seen people waving at the train when you blow the horn at them…. I am not sure that will make it into release!!! We’ll see.

OK looking at the tools they are coming together well. The block asset tool looks very powerful to me. I guess you could lay whole forests pretty fast with that. Difficult to say as I am a rubbish route builder. Always incredibly impressed by those who build in RW, the tools are aimed at being able to create very high levels of detail and reality and are not for the faint hearted. Route builders are heroes!

Right I am fed up! Spending ages talking about everything except what I want to talk about… this thing is beautiful, I mean really beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Mountains as far as the eye can see and over two thousand plus individual lights so far………… and that at a great frame rate. There, said it! If the marketing police want a piece of me! Bring it on☺!
Försöker bygga Älvsjö godsbangård men svär mest över UVW mappning.
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Gammal 2011-04-25, 00:43   #3
Reg.datum: Jun 2004
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 797

the tools are aimed at being able to create very high levels of detail and reality and are not for the faint hearted.
Det där låter intressant om han menar att det kommer bli bättre...
/Tänk först. Tänk igen. Tänk igenom allt en gång till. Skriv sen.\\Basse
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Gammal 2011-04-25, 01:08   #4
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sundsvall, Sweden.
Inlägg: 6 912

Snart dags att uppdatera datorn då!? Börjar bli dyrt att hålla på med tågsim...
Mvh Pirpen
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Gammal 2011-04-25, 01:12   #5
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 800

Ursprungligen postat av Pierre Visa inlägg
Snart dags att uppdatera datorn då!? Börjar bli dyrt att hålla på med tågsim...
Ja, det kan man fråga sig!
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Gammal 2011-04-25, 01:49   #6
Reg.datum: Jul 2010
Ort: Uppsala
Inlägg: 562

Jag tror inte att det kommer bli dyrt utan hoppas att han menar att dom kommer utnyttja resurser på en halvmodern dator bättre dvs mer jobb på GPU och en trådad klient så det kan bli lite snurr på den/de kärnor som inte används av processorn för tillfället. Jag är dock mest ivrig inför det sista han sa "unloading/loading wagons on the move" vilket jag hoppas betyder att skript delen har förbättras avsevärt jag har ju en dröm om att kunna styra t.ex. lastning/lossning bättre på de vagnar jag har gjort
Försöker bygga Älvsjö godsbangård men svär mest över UVW mappning.
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