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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > N3V Trainz > Scenarios och scripts

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Gammal 2002-09-05, 06:40   #1
Junior Member
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , Australia.
Inlägg: 2
Standard simpe loco stop/start script with signal lights

Hello, i am wondering how easy is it in sp3 in trainz to write a script to make the a train stop at station wait for 1 min, the signal light turns green and train goes off again to the next stop??
Does anyone think that junction master is the way to go for non scripters?

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Gammal 2002-09-05, 07:32   #2
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
Ort: , , Sweden.
Inlägg: 32

Hello bt,

Well it's not easy but it can be done. You have to create a schedule to make the train go were you wan't. That's the easy part. The problem is to make the train stop at an exact point. You can use the "stop at trigger" event. But depending on the speed of the train, the train can stop anywhere. For the moment there is'nt a easy way to control the speed of the train. You can write your own speed function using SetDCCThrottle function.

Take a look at

This zip file contains a script example. The script controls a train on a layout with 2 stations. The train stops at the stations. The layout for which the script is created is also in the zip file.


Hello, i am wondering how easy is it in sp3 in trainz to write a script to make the a train stop at station wait for 1 min, the signal light turns green and train goes off again to the next stop??
Does anyone think that junction master is the way to go for non scripters?

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