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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > N3V Trainz > Trainz - Downloads

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Gammal 2016-08-31, 21:07   #1
Reg.datum: Jan 2008
Ort: Uppland, Sverige
Inlägg: 2 721
Exclamation NEW DOWNLOAD SITE - STL - Swedish Train Laboratories

Some of our foreign readers have been asking why this Trainz download part of the forum has been more or less dead for the past couple of month. The reason for that is because STL (the Swedish Trainz Laboratories) launched a new website this spring. The site is a independent sub-site to the general Swedish train simulator website who kindly let us host our site on their server.

This forum have served well as a download page for quite some time now, but today it contains so many assets it has become hopelessly difficult to find what you are looking for. And it's even worse for those just browsing, not looking for anything particular at all. On the new site all assets are divided into categories with pictures showing what they contain. We have also tried to gather assets into bigger packets rather than having hundreds of small packets, one for every wagon or building. Everything to make the downloading procedure easier.

On this new site STL have been, and still are, updating all of our old stuff from this forum to make sure everything that is uploaded there is compatible with TANE. Also some new assets have been uploaded that can't be found on this forum. If there are things you are missing (dependencies or old assets from this forum you haven't been able to find on the new page) or you have questions, please post them in this thread or in our update thread where we announce every new addition to our site:

The link to this website is:

Unfortunately the page is only available in Swedish, but I don't think it's so hard to understand the structure of it.

// Korvtiger - one third of STL

Senast redigerad av korvtiger den 2016-08-31 klockan 21:20.
korvtiger besöker inte forumet just nu  
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Gammal 2016-09-01, 17:30   #2
Nils Blid
Reg.datum: Dec 2009
Ort: Malmö
Inlägg: 2 055

Några bra frågor: Vad betyder inlägget ovan, vad innebär det - och varför med ett främmande språk? Handlar det om någon form av internationell satsning?

Det vore nog bra att förklara något - och gärna med ett något mer begripligt språk.

Nils Blid besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2016-09-01, 17:42   #3
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
Ort: Onsala, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 8 149
Standard Men Nisse då,

det var inte tänkt för dina ögon utan för de medlemmar med engelska som språk och som undrat varför det inte kommer nåt nytt i downloadtråden.

"Det är kanske för sent att lära sig nåt nytt" - Bengan travesti
lan besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat

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