Brick Trains
v 0.1.0
by DasMatze
- Models and textures by DasMatze
- preshading and convert to the TS2014 by newS
Run the utilities.exe and use the Package Manager
x:\ ... \Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\utilities.exe
terms of use:
- Die in diesem Paket enthaltenen Modelle, Skins und sonstigen Dateien dürfen kostenlos für Privatpersonen
zum Spielen im Spiel "Train Simulator 2014+" benutzt werden.
- Es ist strikt untersagt das Paket oder Teile davon komerziell zu vertreiben!
- Es handelt sich hierbei um Modelle zur ausschliesslich privaten Nutzung.
- Ausgewiesene Warenzeichen und Markennamen gehören Ihren jeweiligen Eigentümern.
Wer mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen nicht einverstanden ist, darf dieses Paket nicht nutzen!!!
- The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in "Train Simulator 2014+" by private persons.
- It's forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use.
- Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.
Failing to accept one or more parts of the terms of use means usage of this package isn't allowed.
On all questions address swen@klemund.de or dasmatze14@yahoo.de
Or go to http://www.klemund.de/RailSimulator
Or http://rail-sim.de/forum/user/796-dasmatze/
Inhalt (Included):
- 90003 Sm Tank Engine
- 10015 Passenger Wagon
- 10013 Open Freight
- 10014 Caboose
- 10016 Tanker
- Brick-10017 Hopper
- Brick 10013 Pipe
- Terrain textures
- Brick tracks
- BrickTrains-Test route
Names in the editors list:
- Brick-90003 Sm Tank Engine
- Brick-10015 Passenger Wagon
- Brick-10013 Open Freight
- Brick-10014 Caboose
- Brick-10016 Tanker
- Brick-10017 Hopper
Names in the editors list under "Clutter":
- Brick 10013 Pipe
Names in the editors list under "Tracks":
- Brick_tracks
- Brick_tracks_with_ballast
Names in the editors list under "Terrain Textures":
- grass-green
- grass-green02
- mud
- sand
Note: If you make a new route then use the terrain textures "BrickTrains"
Copyright (C) 2014 by Swen Klemund and DasMatze. All rights reserved.
click on the image to enlarge: