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Gammal 2009-07-08, 12:24   #1
Reg.datum: Jan 2009
Inlägg: 224
Standard Aln663 trenitalia


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Gammal 2009-07-08, 13:39   #2
Bombardier Train
Tidigare Ruben
Reg.datum: Oct 2008
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 2 907

Verry good!
//Bombardier Train

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Gammal 2009-10-03, 09:41   #3
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Gammal 2009-10-03, 12:20   #4
Marcus Gustavsson
Tidigare v10
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Ort: Halmstad
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now that looks great!
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Gammal 2009-10-04, 19:55   #5
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Gammal 2009-10-05, 09:52   #6
Reg.datum: Feb 2005
Ort: Karlstad, Sverige
Inlägg: 988

Ursprungligen postat av giovanni71 Visa inlägg
Do you leave optimization until last because there are many unnecessary polygons and points in this model.

KMW besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2009-10-05, 12:51   #7
Reg.datum: Jan 2009
Inlägg: 224

??????????????????????:confuse d:
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Gammal 2009-10-05, 17:21   #8
Henrik L
Tidigare Metal_henke
Reg.datum: Feb 2006
Ort: Helsingborg, Sweden
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Ursprungligen postat av KMW Visa inlägg
Do you leave optimization until last because there are many unnecessary polygons and points in this model.

KMW, vad menar du? Han verkar inte förstå..
|Henrik L
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Gammal 2009-10-06, 00:12   #9
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Jönköping
Inlägg: 265

It´s easy to see the relationship to Swedish dmu Y1 which is based upon Aln668.

Btw, it´s really great models you´re making. Fantastic to see how the work progress from a single cube to a complete engine, wagon or railcar.

Many thanks!

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Gammal 2009-10-06, 22:27   #10
Reg.datum: Feb 2005
Ort: Karlstad, Sverige
Inlägg: 988
Lightbulb Optimising model

Ursprungligen postat av giovanni71 Visa inlägg
??????????????????????:confuse d:
Okay, I will try to explain with an example from your latest pictures.
Look at the front around the windows, especially the wall section above and below the windows that I painted yellow.
The points along the straight edge above and below the yellow fields can be welded to the point next to it reducing the model by one polygon for each weld.
Sorry for the bad drawing quality in the second picture but I hope you get the idea.
Not much per weld but there are lots of this in that model and the total can be quite substantial.

Since it is a flat area the welding of points will not change the overall shape but reduce points and polygons.
Welding of points can be continued everywhere you have several points in a straight line and the polygons have parallel normals (face the same direction).

There are some commands in 3D Canvas that can help with this.
You have the welding tools operating on points and you have the Optimize Object Geometry operation which you should try first.
Texturing should be done after optimisation or you might have to redo the texturing.

Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg before.jpg (13.1 KB, 213 visningar)
Filtyp: jpg after.jpg (14.0 KB, 213 visningar)
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Gammal 2009-10-07, 10:17   #11
Reg.datum: Feb 2005
Ort: Karlstad, Sverige
Inlägg: 988

Looking at the side view here there are lots of not needed points that can be joined.
All the straight lines between windows and floor can be optimized away without sacrificing anything.
The lines are from details in the front but there is no need to have all this detail on the sides.
Uppermost section of the front, the lower straight line has lots of points that does not do any good for the model.
Same thing with house for the roof mounted light.
Do you use creasing in 3D Canvas? Same as smoothing groups in 3d Studio. Shading of texture that allows a smooth surface with less polygons.
Getting a nice curved surface without creasing is difficult and takes lots of polygons.
KMW besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2009-10-07, 12:58   #12
Reg.datum: Jan 2009
Inlägg: 224

I'm sorry but as there is an error of photography, canvas when you are behind all those lines will overlap here, then you must not only treat the initial screen are those that have reduced and removed the unnecessary points, beginning the coffin was by 6400 after cleaning the polygons to 2100 polygons reduced or eliminated because all the points are not necessary
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Gammal 2009-10-07, 14:26   #13
Reg.datum: Feb 2005
Ort: Karlstad, Sverige
Inlägg: 988

That sounds better cause there were a lot of points and polygons in your first pictures.

KMW besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2009-10-07, 17:50   #14
Reg.datum: Jan 2009
Inlägg: 224

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Gammal 2009-10-16, 13:46   #15
Reg.datum: Jan 2009
Inlägg: 224

work in progress
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