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Gammal 2010-09-27, 21:13   #1
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Question Missing rail vehicle

detta frågade jag på ett engelskt forum

Hey please help
When I shall start a scenario in a route, these vehicles are missing, someone who can help me to get hold of them?

rail vehicle ICS Class 43

rail vehicle ICS MK3 Second

rail vehicle ICS MK3 Buffet

rail vehicle ICS MK3 First

Re: Missing rail vehicle

by LoneWolfDon on 27 Sep 2010 10:38
It appears it's trying to find or load in a "missing" vehicle. Though if you're fairly certain you may already have that particular trainset addon, then try the following steps:

* After installing any new addon for RailWorks, I suggest to clear the blueprint cache...
From the initial RailWorks launch window, and before clicking the Start button, first click on the Tools & Docs tab, then where it reads "Clear the blueprint cache", click on the Clear Cache button next to it. After a moment it should complete, then Start RailWorks as normal, and hopefully your new addon will now show and load in properly.

* If that still doesn't work, then if it's an addon you got via Steam, then from your Steam-client, go to your games Library, right-click on RailWorks, select Properties, Local Files, then Verify integrity of game-cache.. this can take a little while depending on connection speed, but this will help to ensure you don't have any missing or corrupt files with your installation, and if so will attempt to reacquire them.
If you do the Verify integrity option, then afterward I suggest to do the use the Clear Cache as I first described.

Usually those two steps will resolve most issues of addons not showing or loading in properly.

Första delen är avklarad, jag klickar alltid på clear the blueprint cache....
Men det hjälpte inte
Då Defragmenterade jag disken, det hjälpte inte.
Sedan skriver han nått om
go to your games Library, right-click on RailWorks, select Properties, Local Files, bla bla bla
Men jag har inte en aning om hur jag skall komma dit
Vad skall jag göra
Det verkar som om dom missade fordonen är original, men kanske blivit skadade !!

Jag har sökt på nätet efter fordonen, men där finns inte ett jota.....

Hawk besöker inte forumet just nu  
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