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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > DTG - Train Simulator > Landskapsdesign - DTG - Train Simulator

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Gammal 2010-10-28, 02:35   #1
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267
Smile Carbonia V4 3.0 något är fel !

Jag laddade hem och la in Carbonia V4 3.0
Tråd på engelska med bilder:


Men det verkar fattas tusen saker i rutten, bl annat spår och mark !
Någon som testat att få den att fungera, den verkar rätt fin.

Visst fler som har problem

Jag skrev ett inlägg och fick detta svar.
synd att Emiliano Sordo (GOR) inte hade koll på vilka assets han använt i rutten.
Jag har lagt ner säkert tre veckors arbete på att få en annan rutt "färdig" Sambre & Meuse och nu orkar jag inte en gång till.

kvarndalen wrote:Hello
I have not read through this entire thread.
But why doesnt Gor who built the route, fix a patch with all the missing Assets?
Because he does not have a complete list of asset sources himself. He can only give some indications, which he does in the readme.
Everyone is free to make it work on his own. It costs nothing, and Gor is already working on the next masterpiece. He does it for his own enjoyment, but shares the result with those who are willing to work with it.

The good news is that RW tolerates it fairly well if some background houses are missing. So just work through the first few pages of the thread and you will have the major issues settled, and may well opt out of hunting down the last tree or house.

And just in case you take note what you install, you could be the one who provides the community with a complete list of sources for all the required objects.

Så man får hitta andra trevliga rutter eller köra på dom man har
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Filtyp: jpg Screenshot_CARBONIA.jpg (96.8 KB, 215 visningar)

Senast redigerad av Hawk den 2010-10-28 klockan 06:36.
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