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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > DTG - Train Simulator > Landskapsdesign - DTG - Train Simulator

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Gammal 2010-02-07, 00:09   #1
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Inlägg: 62
Standard Routemarkers i RW-tools

Är det någon som har fått detta att funka?
Infogar KML filer från Google-earth där jag dragit streck längs med järnvägslinjen. Gör sedan som det står i guiden...

"Go to the Route Building Tools\Marker Files\Convert Markers Direct to DCSV menu and you will be told to
select the place to SAVE your files, this will be the Assets\YourName\YourRoute\RouteMarkers folder, you
select the path to this file.
Select as shown and click the Proceed button.
You will now be asked to select the Folder where your Marker files are held.
You may select any number of Marker files and they may be of mixed types, e.g. .kml files from Google
Earth, or .mkr files from MSTS. These files may hold named or series markers.
If they are Series Markers which draw a line tracing your route in the World editor, then you may select the
colour you wish for each marker file, however if you wish to use say Black for the track, Yellow for roads
and Red for major buildings, then you will need to select each type separately.

Click the Convert Fully button and the files will be converted from their original .kml/.mkr etc format
directly into .DCSV files and will bear the same name as the original file apart from the suffix. A
corresponding .bin file will also be written.
Once you have converted the files, they will be available in your World Editor (remember to turn on Markers
in the World Editor by selecting the appropriate button in the bottom left-hand fly out screen."

Har gjort detta och filerna skapas *.dcsv samt *.bin filen, men det syns inga markeringar alls i World-editorn, och ja, jag har klickat i att den ska visa markers
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