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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > DTG - Train Simulator > DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads

Ämnesverktyg Visningsalternativ
Gammal 2011-11-06, 14:59   #1
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580
Standard litt Da , Dm and NSB El 12 locos

litt Da , Dm and NSB El 12 locos v0.9.1

I have made a series of swedish and norwegian locos for RailWorks 3 / Train Simulator 2012 Da, Dm, Dm3 and NSB EL 12.
Now I have upload a first version of the locos (without the Dm3). The Dm3 comes later with the IORE and the Kiruna route.

This is donationware.
Please send me a donation (at least one Euro) and I send you the download-link by eMail.

If you didn't get an answer after you have send me the donation, then look at your spam-folder or send me at this forum a pm.

Please go to my homepage and press the donate button:

klick on the images to enlarge (full HD):


Senast redigerad av newS den 2011-11-06 klockan 15:47.
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