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Gammal 2012-07-12, 20:25   #1
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 501
Standard Nya teknologier,

Paul Jackson har idag gjort följande tillkännagivande på Facebook:

Dear friends, I am pleased to announce that over the next couple of months we will be showcasing the new technologies we have been working on. We’re going to show you new developments each week over the summer, looking at the different advances we have been making.

Our first announcement will be tomorrow. Each announcement will focus on a different area of the simulation. All I can tell you until then is that I have been playing with some very exciting new technology and I hope you will like the work we have been doing.

Since founding my vision has been to constantly take train simulation forward. Continually developing and improving our technology is at the core of that vision. I think over the next few weeks you will see our commitment to that ideal.

Paul Jackson Esq OBE

/Mazz ... ... ...
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