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Ämnesverktyg Visningsalternativ
Gammal 2013-08-23, 19:15   #1
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580
Standard swedish catenarys by newS v 2.0.0 with new rails and swedish roads

click on the image to enlarge:




swedish catenarys by newS v 2.0.0

with new rails and swedish roads


- made by Swen "newS" Klemund

Run the utilities.exe and use the Package Manager

x:\ ... \Steam\steamapps\common\railworks\utilities.exe

You must have installed also this packages:



and this:

terms of use:
- The models, skins and other files in this package can be used in "Train Simulator 2013+" by private persons.
- It's forbidden to use this or parts of the package for commercial use.
- if you make a route with this models, you can add this rwp-file to the download-archiv of your route
- Trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.

Accepting one or more parts of the terms of use means usage of this package isnt allowed.

On all questions address swen[ätt]klemund[pünktchen]de
Or go to

tutorial video:

Inhalt (Included):

- old catenarys
- new catenarys v2.0.0
- newS_tracks_xxx (name in the editor)
- SE Road 2L Light and SE Road 2L-2 Light (name in the editor)
- from user "ice" BusNr1 from "icepak"
- from Stw the sweden trackrule with the junctions
- new Scania truck model for the traffic
- from the norwegian user "ocvn" some Scania repaints (posten, green cargo, bring)
Copyright (C) 2013 by Swen Klemund. All rights reserved.

click on the image to enlarge:

Senast redigerad av newS den 2013-08-23 klockan 19:23.
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