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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > DTG - Train Simulator > 3D-design - DTG - Train Simulator

Ämnesverktyg Visningsalternativ
Gammal 2019-01-13, 20:16   #1
Reg.datum: Jan 2019
Ort: Hamburg (Germany)
Inlägg: 19
Standard Demand for Swedish payware trains?

Hi Everybody,

my name is Tobi and I am the train developer of the german payware Company GBE. Sadly, I can‘t speak Swedish, so I hope English is ok.

At the moment, we are searching for new ideas for trains that we want to develop and we have the idea to develop a Swedish train. The reason is, that we like Sweden as a country and we think that the trains are very interesting. Our first idea for a swedish train Addon was the class X31.

Because it’s at the moment just a rough Idea, there are no plans on which level we are implementing the train. For example, we don’t know which protection systems we would implement in such a train. But All our German trains comes with PZB and Sifa.

Important is, that this is not an Addon announcement, it’s just a question if there is the demand in the Swedish Train Simulator community and what the community thinks about the idea. If there are good responses, we would like to develop a Swedish train, but not if nobody cares about it.

So what do you think about the rough idea?


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