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Gammal 2004-11-18, 20:49   #1
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42
Standard Y1 and Y7 - Cab View and Sounds

Looking ahead to when the Inlandsbanan is released it would be nice to be able to use the correct sounds and cabview for the Y1 and Y7 DMU's. I don't think anyone wants to travel 270km with the Kiha "death rattle". I was wondering if there is a soundset available for the Y1/Y7 - or any plans to make one.I have aliased the current ones to the Class 158 soundpack available from UK Trainsim but as I never travelled on a Y7 and it's 20 years since I travelled on a Y1 I have no idea if these are close. Ditto the cabview.

The UK Sprinter DMU's use either Cummins or Perkins 350hp engines with a Voith transmission. Class 150/153 have a fairly "hard" sound while the Class 158 has a slightly softer more "whiny" sound. If anyone is familiar with both the Swedish and UK DMU types perhaps you could offer a comparison.

Chief Track Welder
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Gammal 2004-11-19, 17:30   #2
Reg.datum: Jan 2002
Ort: Linköping, , .
Inlägg: 141

I once made an Y7 additional pack with 5-gear transmission and sound made from an original sound file. It was, however, not very good, and does not (apart from idling) sound like the original at all. At least it does not sound like the KIHA..

You are welcome to try the sounds. I have a bad old original recording which I used for this purpose.

You can find the sounds among the files on address (the wav files).

The original recording is several minutes, and covers the run between Hultsfred and Silverdalen in 1980, and is recorded with a very cheap cassette recorder, put on the motor hood.

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Gammal 2004-11-19, 23:54   #3
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42


I would have to say the Y7 is closer to the original British first generation DMU's, certainly as regards the gear change though the idle, ironically sounds very close to a Class 158 Sprinter.

Sound mixing for MSTS is not something I've much experience though I gather a large element of luck is required to get it right.

Chief Track Welder
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