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Gammal 2021-04-29, 12:27   #16
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Ort: ,Ängelholm , Sweden.
Inlägg: 539

Tack för uppdateringen hgv o news
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Gammal 2021-04-29, 19:25   #17
Reg.datum: Apr 2010
Ort: Amersfoort, Niederländerna
Inlägg: 21

Tack så mycket alla för fint ruten.
Thank you so much for this wunderful work News!

halsingar från Holland
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Gammal 2021-04-29, 20:13   #18
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Tack för uppdateringen!
Men, det blev galet med mina rutter och det är spåret enligt bilder.
Dubbla texturer Det hände idag efter installation av Malmbanan.
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg 20210429194808_1.jpg (276.8 KB, 289 visningar)
Filtyp: jpg 20210429195020_1.jpg (217.7 KB, 292 visningar)
Totte besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-04-29, 22:39   #19
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 800

Ja du har både 3D-slipers och 2D-texturer på spåret av nån anledning.

Vilket spår är det? Det är väl lika bra att använda 3D numera.
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-04-29, 22:57   #20
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Ursprungligen postat av Hgv Visa inlägg
Ja du har både 3D-slipers och 2D-texturer på spåret av nån anledning.

Vilket spår är det? Det är väl lika bra att använda 3D numera.
Hur gör jag?
Trollhattan och Bergensbanen använder SAD-spår sen många år och så kom problem efter Malmbanan.

Senast redigerad av Totte den 2021-04-29 klockan 23:15.
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Gammal 2021-04-30, 02:10   #21
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 800

SAD-spåren var ju 3D från början. Sedan ändrades de till 2D då Railworks gick väldigt trögt med 3D-slipers. Numera har jag dock svårt att se varför man skulle vilja använda 2D då 3D funkar bra. Så vitt jag förstår har också newS från början byggt Malmbanan med 3D-slipers.

Jag ber om ursäkt om det blev rörigt för jag hade ingen tanke på att det är skillnad på 2D- och 3D-spår och att de råkar ha samma namn. Min tanke var dock inte att nuvarande fil skulle läggas ut för nedladdning - jag skickade den till newS så han kunde testa rutten med mina ändringar. Jag trodde att han sedan skulle ordna ett nytt paket med de filer som behövs, eller åtminstone höra av sig till mig för att stämma av.

Vad heter spåret som du har problem med? Är det SE Concrete?

I senaste versionen av Malmbanan har jag skickat med de spår som finns i KMW\RailNetwork\Track. Där finns flera spår som refererar till assets från SAD bl.a. SE Concrete. Kan det vara så att du inte har alla SAD assets installerade?

Spåret SE Concrete använder följande komponenter/assets från SAD:

Dock tror jag inte ens SE Concrete m.fl. spår används på Malmbanan utan det var några filer som följde med av bara farten, så jag skulle kunna ordna ett nedladdningspaket utan dessa assets.

Vill du ha tillbaka 2D-spår så kan du installera de varianter av KMW:s spår som du haft tidigare så bör det fungera (som du gjorde för ett år sedan:

Så här ser förresten mina SE Concrete-spår ut (bild från Trollhättan, spåret i bakgrunden har 2D-slipers pga växel):
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg SE Concrete.jpg (197.1 KB, 280 visningar)

Senast redigerad av Hgv den 2021-04-30 klockan 02:28.
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Gammal 2021-04-30, 09:16   #22
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Tack för du fixade så här mycket och sent på natten. Att du orkar!
Nu blev jag jättenöjd med ditt svar! Jag fick tillbaka spåret.
Ni som blev drabbades av. Hämta Thn_Assets 201122 istället!

Senast redigerad av Totte den 2021-04-30 klockan 09:23.
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Gammal 2021-05-04, 13:29   #23
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 800

För att ge lite mer bakgrund till min uppdatering av rutten så lägger jag in nedanstående text som jag skickade till newS inför släppet.

To give some background regarding my update to the route I'm posting the text below, which was part of a message I sent to newS before the release.

Included/required assets
In this package I have included some additional assets that are needed for the update to work:
- New tracks and track rules (see below)
- New/updated signals (see below)
- Additional signs made by Marmar and Germundal

I have tried to be careful not to use other assets but please let me know if you find some assets that are missing and we can figure out what the problem is.

For the scenarios, I have used the rolling stock for the original route (inluding IORE), your BR 185 Bure Railcare repaint, and also the freeware X 2000 and Y2, as well as the Norwegian B3 coaches ( for a few scenarios.

Tracks and track rules
- I have made a new track rule called "Malmbanan Hgv" in order not to interfere with old files.
- This track rule includes tracks with wooden sleepers (object by SAD) on the ballast made by you. I have called these tracks SE Wood newS, SE Wood small, SE Wood big01 and SE Wood big02 (similar naming to your concrete tracks).
- The track all along the route from Narvik to Kiruna now uses this track rule and these track types.
- The electrification type has been changed to overhead wires between Kiruna and Narvik, but the track rule and tracks are set up so that no default overhead wires are displayed. The parts of the route which I have not updated (Kiruna-Svappavara/Luleå, Narvik harbour, most of the yard area next to Kirunagruvan) still have the old overhead wires displayed.

The work I have done
Here is a summary of all the work I've done on the route between Kiruna and Narvik. Note that I haven't done any editing in the rest of the route (east/south of Kiruna station).

It's been a lot of work, almost full time the last month...

- Gradients: Where possible, I have made gradients more realistic (= less steep). In some places this would mean making big changes to the scenery, so in those places I have left the gradients intact. The real life gradients are max 11-12‰ in Sweden and I think 17*‰ on the Norwegian side. The TS route has almost 40‰ in some places unfortunately, but in most places I have managed to reduce it to maximum around 20‰.
- Smooth gradients: Gradient changes are now smooth between Kiruna and Narvik.
- Curves: Some curves were very sharp (down to 80 m radius in some switches). The minimum radius for 40 km/h at least on Swedish railways is 190 m. There are still some sharp curves left in tunnels and other areas where changing it would be too much work, but for the most part the curves are now much better along the route and in stations.
- Overhead wires: New overhead wires/catenary installed in those parts of the route which didn't have it. This includes the route between Stordalen and Narvik, as well as Kiruna station/yard area (I have not updated the catenary in the LKAB switching yard "Kiruna sjöbangård", next to the mine).
- Yard lights: I have added lights in several stations.
- Stations: The stations along the route in some cases represent different time periods. For example I've noticed that your Torneträsk station is in a modern layout, whereas Abisko Östra, Rensjön, Kaisepakte and others have the layout from before the stations were extended to accommodate longer trains. On the Norwegian side, we are even missing the Djupvik station and a new tunnel. I have not done anything about this, but kept the route in the various time periods represented
- Speed limits: The track speed limits have been adjusted along the route to be as realistic as possible. Note that in sections where some trains are allowed a higher speed, I have set the higher speed as the passenger train speed limit, and the lower speed as the freight speed limit. For example the speed sign "90" with "up" arrow would be noted in the "line description" ( as 90/100, meaning that depending on the ATC settings some trains are allowed up to 100 km/h.
- Markers: I have adjusted and added platform/destination/siding markers and portals to be as accurate as possible, and to make sure trains can be routed properly in scenarios.
- Track direction: All tracks are set to "both" direction between Kiruna and Narvik, to make sure trains can be routed in scenarios.
- Railway crossings: Link placement adjusted to ensure the crossings work as far as possible.
- Signs: I love your attention to detail and seeing that almost every sign is placed where it should be according to the route videos. Thanks to the detailed data now available (for example here: I have adjusted and added signs and km posts to make it as realistic as possible. This is also a compromise because a lot of things have changed over the years on the real route. The main goal for me has to make it so that you can drive the route in a realistic way with regards to the signs, signals and speed limits.

Some fairly major work has been done to the signals:
- Some signals have been moved/adjusted based on real life data or to make sure they work as intended. In complex areas (Kiruna) I have used signals with more track links to make sure they can cover all possible routes over a junction.
- Some block signals that were missing have been added.
- Most block signals between Kiruna and Riksgränsen are of a special type that can show "green blink" (= expect stop) as well as the normal green and red aspects. I have created a script for this signal and added such signals along the route ("SE-H2 Signal block Malmbanan"). I have done a few test drives where you are behind a slow train (for example the X 2000 and Y2 scenarios), and this is really helpful as it gives you distance signalling for the next main signal, so you don't have to be surprised by a stop aspect. The distance signs normally placed 1 km before the next main signal (600 m apparently in some old videos - I have adjusted this to 1 km in most places) show where you should start acting on the distant signal information.
- I have updated the H2 and H3 signal scripts so that if the "Approach Control" box is checked, the signal will show a stop aspect if the next signal is at stop. This is needed for exit signals at stations, because the distance to the exit block signal is normally just 300-400 m. The route is now set up so that all exit signals have this behaviour.
- Some head dwarf signals have new scripts that I made so they can show different signal aspects for a switching route as opposed to a train route ("SE DV6/7 Signal yard entry"). I have done it so that if a yard link is connected, the signal will show red + whatever dwarf signal aspect is needed. Green aspects are for train routes only, so will not be used on routes that are not controlled by signals. (You can see examples of this in Kiruna with the signals facing the locomotive shed - they show these "yard" aspects towards the shed area, and normal train aspects for routes onto the main line.)
- In real life there are several rules about what signal aspects can be shown depending on the distance to the next main signal. For example, the "expect stop" (green blink) aspect in a main signal is only allowed if the distance to the next signal is at least 800 m. If the distance is shorter, the signal must show "proceed 40" (two greens) instead in order to slow trains down in time. In Kiruna there are a few signals at short distances so I have replaced the relevant signals with new signals that are scripted to show the correct aspect for short distances ("SE-H3 Signal short" and "SE-H5 Signal 450-800m").

It's difficult to make working scenarios with AI trains when they have to meet the player train, and sometimes the scenario doesn't work in the simulator as it does in the editor. I have included a few scenarios, mostly based on real life timetables. Some scenarios have a lot of AI trains and then it becomes unpredictable if it's possible to complete the scenario. You may get stuck at a red signal after two hours of driving. ;-)

By the way, it looks like the route now works in 64 bit. I haven't tested it much but at least the route loads!
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Gammal 2021-05-04, 17:11   #24
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Va bra att du lyckades få rutten fungera med RW64!
Var det signalerna du påverkat?
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Gammal 2021-05-04, 18:29   #25
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 800

Jag vet faktiskt inte vad det är som gjort att det funkar i 64 bit. Jag har ju jobbat på rutten nästan en månad och när jag var klar provade jag och då funkade det.

Men jag vet att tidigare har jag lyckats få Jönköpingsbanan att funka i 64 bit efter att jag flyttade någon länk till VF-signal så det är möjligt att det har med det att göra.

(Insåg att jag kanske borde lagt förra inlägget i WIP-tråden. Vi kan ju försöka undvika fler utvikningar här.)
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-12-13, 13:18   #26
Reg.datum: Jan 2011
Inlägg: 37

Tycks inte få liv i den här banan. Laddat ner och alla assets som angivits av NewS. Den laddar igång sen kraschar RailWorks.

Har jag för gammal version? Kör med Railworks 3 (Train simulator 2012).
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Gammal 2021-12-13, 16:20   #27
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Köpte du Railworks 3 via Steam? Besök Steam och ta reda på vad du ska göra.
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Gammal 2021-12-14, 22:18   #28
Reg.datum: Jan 2011
Inlägg: 37

Ursprungligen postat av Totte Visa inlägg
Köpte du Railworks 3 via Steam? Besök Steam och ta reda på vad du ska göra.
Såg nu att det kommit ut en modifierad version, nu funkade det mycket bättre. Dock verkar kontaktledningsstolparna (de som sträcker sig över bangårdar) vara obefintliga. Vill minnas att jag installerat newS caterary pack bl.a.

Och scenariorna vill inte fungera, tyvärr.
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Gammal 2024-09-27, 11:05   #29
Tarik Pasic
Reg.datum: Nov 2016
Ort: Canada
Inlägg: 63

Vilka broar används för sträckan? Jag saknar några broar utanför Kiruna och i gränsregionen.
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