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Gammal 2021-02-23, 21:21   #331
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

Hmm. Yes I think I've seen the problem on my route as well, but I thought it was due to a missing/wrong asset. Perhaps it's one specific tunnel decal asset that's not working properly?
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-02-23, 21:54   #332
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Ort: ,Ängelholm , Sweden.
Inlägg: 539


En fin rutt. En väldigt detaljerad och smakfullt med object längs rutten.

Kör med Raildriver.

Håller på att spela in på film.

Tack newS och tack Totte.

Ha det så gott
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Gammal 2021-03-12, 19:17   #333
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

Some news:

newS/Swen has given me permission to update the route so I have now started this work. Here is my plan:

- Update the overhead wires/catenary in those parts of the route that have the old Rail Simulator style wires.
Status: Update complete between Narvik and Katterat

- Adjusting track gradients. There are some very steep gradients in the route, but unfortunately it's impossible to change much of it without rebuilding major portions of the route. I will even out the gradients in areas where it can be done without too much work, and I'll also adjust gradient changes so they are smooth throughout the route.
Status: Gradients adjusted/smoothed between Narvik and Katterat

- Adjusting speed limits. This is a bit tricky as the real life route has changed quite a bit since Swen started working on the route, which means the route is a bit of a mix between different time periods. I'll make sure that all speed limits are reasonable and that there is correct signage to make sure speed restrictions don't come as a surprise.
Status: In progress

- Adjusting signalling and signage. This is close to perfect already thanks to Swen's attention to detail. I'll just make sure nothing is missing. I also plan to include the special type of block signal that exists in real life on the route between Kiruna and Riksgränsen (two aspect signal that shows flashing green when the next signal is at stop). The focus of this work will be on the Swedish side as I don't have full understanding (yet ) of the Norwegian signal system, and I also lack detailed info about the setup/location of all the signals (is this info available online for Norway?).
Status: Not started

- Adjusting markers for platforms, sidings etc. I'll update these where needed to make sure trains can be properly routed in scenarios.
Status: In progress

- Other changes. There will be some other minor changes as well, such as changing German style end of track buffers to the Swedish style in some places. I'll also adjust obvious errors in the scenery such as floating buildings or the station clock in Narvik that was running backwards!
Status: In progress

I plan to do this on the route between Narvik and Kiruna. Since the route is not finished to the east of Kiruna (no scenery, no signals etc.), I won't do any work on this part of the route. Maybe someone else will work on this part in the future.
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-12, 20:01   #334
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Inlägg: 806

Vad bra. det ser vi fram emot att det kommer bli bra.
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Gammal 2021-03-12, 22:19   #335
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Toppenbra av Hgv att fixa mer väster om Kiruna!
Jag tror jag kan ta österut från Kiruna om Hgv är helt färdig med sitt jobb.

Great good of Hgv to fix more west of Kiruna!
I think I can take east from Kiruna if Hgv is completely finished with his job.
(Google Translater)
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Gammal 2021-03-12, 23:01   #336
Reg.datum: Nov 2011
Ort: Norway
Inlägg: 359

Ursprungligen postat av Hgv Visa inlägg
- Adjusting signalling and signage. This is close to perfect already thanks to Swen's attention to detail. I'll just make sure nothing is missing. I also plan to include the special type of block signal that exists in real life on the route between Kiruna and Riksgränsen (two aspect signal that shows flashing green when the next signal is at stop). The focus of this work will be on the Swedish side as I don't have full understanding (yet ) of the Norwegian signal system, and I also lack detailed info about the setup/location of all the signals (is this info available online for Norway?).
Status: Not started
Technical regulations for signals and signs for Norway is located here (Websites only in Norwegian):
- Signals:
- Signs:
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Gammal 2021-03-13, 18:01   #337
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799


Jag hittade en del info om banan här:

Det är inte riktigt lika detaljerat som linjeboken som vi har i Sverige. Finns det någon norsk motsvarighet till linjeboken?
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-16, 02:54   #338
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

Status update

- Update the overhead wires/catenary in those parts of the route that have the old Rail Simulator style wires.
Status: Update complete between Narvik and Björnfjell

- Adjusting track gradients. There are some very steep gradients in the route, but unfortunately it's impossible to change much of it without rebuilding major portions of the route. I will even out the gradients in areas where it can be done without too much work, and I'll also adjust gradient changes so they are smooth throughout the route.
Status: Gradients adjusted/smoothed between Narvik and Björnfjell
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-16, 17:34   #339
Reg.datum: Oct 2012
Ort: Switzerland
Inlägg: 12

Thanks for update and the work!
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Gammal 2021-03-17, 22:22   #340
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

I have done a lot of work between Narvik and Riksgränsen. It was more difficult than I expected because of the many changes to the route in real life. Without rebuilding large portions, the route is a compromise between different time periods. For example, in reality the stations at Björnfjell and Rombak have changed a lot, but I have kept the old layout. In Katterat on the other hand, the route already has the "new" layout of the station with a long tunnel bypassing the station, so I have updated the signalling to be more realistic for this layout. If you compare the route in TS to videos on Youtube, you will see that some portions are more "modern", reflecting the 2018-2020 era, and some have the old style/layout of the early 2000s.

It hasn't been possible to remove all of the steep gradients, as it would mean rebuilding the whole route more or less, so there are still some portions with up to 3.6%, but I have made all the gradient changes smooth, so hopefully this will make the driving experience a bit more enjoyable (no more spilling your coffee as the train is about to jump off the tracks! )

Status update

- Update the overhead wires/catenary in those parts of the route that have the old Rail Simulator style wires.
Status: Update complete between Narvik and Riksgränsen, including Narvik station (no work done in the harbour as this part is incomplete with no scenery)

- Adjusting track gradients. There are some very steep gradients in the route, but unfortunately it's impossible to change much of it without rebuilding major portions of the route. I will even out the gradients in areas where it can be done without too much work, and I'll also adjust gradient changes so they are smooth throughout the route.
Status: Gradients adjusted/smoothed between Narvik and Riksgränsen

- Adjusting speed limits. This is a bit tricky as the real life route has changed quite a bit since Swen started working on the route, which means the route is a bit of a mix between different time periods. I'll make sure that all speed limits are reasonable and that there is correct signage to make sure speed restrictions don't come as a surprise.
Status: Completed between Narvik and Riksgränsen

- Adjusting signalling and signage. This is close to perfect already thanks to Swen's attention to detail. I'll just make sure nothing is missing. I also plan to include the special type of block signal that exists in real life on the route between Kiruna and Riksgränsen (two aspect signal that shows flashing green when the next signal is at stop). The focus of this work will be on the Swedish side as I don't have full understanding (yet ) of the Norwegian signal system, and I also lack detailed info about the setup/location of all the signals (is this info available online for Norway?).
Status: Complete between Narvik and Riksgränsen

- Adjusting markers for platforms, sidings etc. I'll update these where needed to make sure trains can be properly routed in scenarios.
Status: In progress

- Other changes. There will be some other minor changes as well, such as changing German style end of track buffers to the Swedish style in some places. I'll also adjust obvious errors in the scenery such as floating buildings or the station clock in Narvik that was running backwards!
Status: The time now moves forward in Narvik.
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg Narvik clock.jpg (159.5 KB, 111 visningar)
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-18, 00:14   #341
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Bra jobbat!
Kan du möjligen fixa vintertid och sommartid. Vintertid mörkt dygnet runt och på sommaren ljust dygnet runt?
Totte besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-18, 00:23   #342
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

Ursprungligen postat av Totte Visa inlägg
Bra jobbat!
Kan du möjligen fixa vintertid och sommartid. Vintertid mörkt dygnet runt och på sommaren ljust dygnet runt?

Det är enkelt ordnat: När man skapar ett scenario väljer man väder som börjar med "3D", då dessa "vädertyper" använder den "nya" himlen och simulering av solens gång som inte fanns i de tidigaste versionerna av TS.
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-18, 12:58   #343
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Vinter 3D:Clear kl 22.00 då skall det vara svart himmel i verkligheten.
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg Vader.jpg (188.1 KB, 94 visningar)
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Gammal 2021-03-18, 14:04   #344
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 799

Vilket datum har du valt?
Hgv besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2021-03-18, 15:56   #345
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Ursprungligen postat av Hgv Visa inlägg
Vilket datum har du valt?
Ah, ska testa....

Nu fattar jag. Datum påverkar, jag tänkte inte på, hehe.

Senast redigerad av Totte den 2021-03-18 klockan 16:02.
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