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Gammal 2009-01-28, 16:46   #31
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , Norway.
Inlägg: 54

Hei igjen

man borde egentlig lage en facebook sida med at protestera mot at msts2 blir inställd. Samt om alle kunde skicka en mail til alle gjorde det i europa og usa..tror jag dom kanskje hadde tenkt to ganger.

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Gammal 2009-01-28, 17:00   #32
Tidigare Traindriver94
Reg.datum: Aug 2007
Ort: Stockholm
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Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till Micke.L

Ursprungligen postat av Steinar
Hei igjen

man borde egentlig lage en facebook sida med at protestera mot at msts2 blir inställd. Samt om alle kunde skicka en mail til alle gjorde det i europa og usa..tror jag dom kanskje hadde tenkt to ganger.

Tror inte riktigt att det biter ordentligt på ms.. tyvärr
Mina arbeten i Trainsimulator 2012:
Appleford - Slough Färdig
Bergslagsbanan V2.0 Färdig!
Bergslagsbanan V3.0 Under arbete!
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Gammal 2009-01-28, 23:49   #33
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Att göra sin röst hörd är aldrig fel! Ska man gå på vad som skrivs i en del forum så har kritiken att bordlägga flightsimulator nått den högsta toppen inom Microsoft, vilket betyder att de är medvetna om reaktionen från communityn. Om de däremot agerar är väl tveksamt men bara att göra de uppmärksamma på beslutet inte gillas av folk är bra;1208&ws=mscom

Gör er röst hörd! Skriv på engleska och formulera er på ett bra och vänligt sätt! Att bete sig illa eller skriva fula ord lär inte hjälpa alls!

Försök att skriva (på engelska) att ni är besvikna att Trainsimulator-utvecklingen är lagd på is och att ni verkligen hade sett fram emot TS2 och att det var ju bara 10-11 månader kvar.

Jag fick svar (standardsvar dock) att de vidarebefodrat mina synpunkter till rättavdelning.

Kom igen! Visa ert missnöje!
Din lokala fotograf -
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 00:00   #34
Tidigare Traindriver94
Reg.datum: Aug 2007
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 2 508
Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till Micke.L

Hehe, skrev ett väldigt dramatiskt mail till dom

Hello, my name is Mikael and i'm a owner of your simulator "Train Simulator". I am really in to trains and so on and i wanted MSTS2 so badly, and now it's gone. Why? It was just 11 months to realese..

Please - make my dream come true - make train sim 2 !


EDIT: Crap, jag stavade release fel
Mina arbeten i Trainsimulator 2012:
Appleford - Slough Färdig
Bergslagsbanan V2.0 Färdig!
Bergslagsbanan V3.0 Under arbete!

Senast redigerad av Micke.L den 2009-01-29 klockan 00:15.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 00:02   #35
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Även jag har skickat iväg ett mail. Hoppas att M$ gör något nu, men jag tror att oddsen är väldigt små.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 00:04   #36
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Självklart väldigt, för att inte säga närmast obefintliga, små odds men som sagt. Det skadar aldrig att påpeka för dom att folk inte gillar deras beslut!
Din lokala fotograf -
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 00:05   #37
Olaf Lindström
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Så har även jag framfört min åsikt till Microsoft. Hoppas riktigt många inom simuleringshobbyn gör det, vi får inte sitta stumma om dem visar sitt missnöje inom flygsimuleringen.
Mvh: Olaf Lindström, Moderator Svenska 3d-tåg,forumets regler
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 00:38   #38
Erik Götborg
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Ursprungligen postat av Olaf Lindström
Så har även jag framfört min åsikt till Microsoft. Hoppas riktigt många inom simuleringshobbyn gör det, vi får inte sitta stumma om dem visar sitt missnöje inom flygsimuleringen...
...och så även jag!
/Erik Götborg

Senast redigerad av Erik Götborg den 2009-01-29 klockan 11:06.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 11:03   #39
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 795

Nu har jag skrivit. Min fru har hjälpt mig med engelskan.

I am very surprised of the decision on the closure of MSTS2. I had expected to buy MSTS2 for Christmas 2009. It is a pity that you enter after so many years of work. I am deep grateful if you resume work and complete MSTS2.
Yours sincerely,
Trollhättan Builder in Sweden MSTS1
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 13:32   #40
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
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Då har även jag gjort Microsoft glada med mitt engagemang i ACES studio. Dom kommer säkert att kontakta mig omgående... Eller inte...


Dear Microsoft,

I am writing this due to the knowledge that Microsoft has decided to close down the ACES studio. Whit all respect of the current bad financial climate worldwide, I would despite to that recommend that Microsoft should reconsider that decision of the closure of the ACES studio. I will try to explain why this would be reasonable;

·The FS-franchise has proven to be a successor in many years. Now, when the world experience bad times, people needs to have something that does not cost a fortune but gives many hours of entertainment. In that matter, FS will continue to be sold in many copies.

·The TS-franchise does not have the same age and releases behind as the FS has. I believe that very few people at Microsoft believed that Microsoft Train Simulator back in 1999 / 2000 should be such successor as it turned out to be. Today, 8 years after its release, people still asks where they could by MSTS! MSTS and other TS vendors has proven that Train simulators IS a new and very high market potential for a new title, especially when the new title has so solid and powerful profile as TS-2 has.

·I can’t see any reason why a TS franchise should not become as strong as the FS franchise is today. Since TS as a young feature, it has not got the time yet to proven it market potential. Many people do not even be aware of that there is Train Simulators, but MSTS and others have created the base so a good marketing for a TS-2 would pay back, I believe. To be honest, if I think of my colleagues, friends etc excluding the train enthusiasts, I think that trains is of more interest for the average people, than airplanes. It just needs to be visible for the average people. I think that TS-3 could be a bigger title than FS, just continue to establish the base thru TS-2… Remember, MSTS-1 is still selling…

·I think that building several simulator titles on one platform, as the ACES team does, is just brilliant. Not just from technical and reusable issues, but also from market perspective. Since the customer base is already familiar with one discipline, the knowledge of one of the titles makes the step to purchase another title from the same platform would be more natural than if it was from a complete different vendor.

·Other titles have proven that an easy way of building things in the game is something that many people do care about. Take the Sims series as an example, where the player creates different things for the people and environments. I believe that a TS title that appeal to that aspect has the possibility to gain similar success, IF it is marketed as a natural part of the game AND that it is very easy to use. People want to create things to the games these days, not just play. TS has many possibilities to create things in the game, both with easy and more complicated challenges.

·Also other titles has proved that multi-player feature is what the market are interested of, I think a TS title is very suitable for that feature as well. While I think that TS-2 is wise to specify that it should not be included, I think that TS-3 should have it. An online multiplayer in a TS title has many challenges to be solved, but I think that this would also be the strengths in the long run. A well structured online multiplayer TS environment would attract many people, if it is well packaged and logical / easy to play. World of Warcraft has proven this statement.

·With an background as an employee in another large American company here in Sweden between 2000 and 2003, I am well aware of the “power” in the American style to shut down projects if any doubts, no matter of how much that is invested or the marketing potential. I did disagree to that philosophy in that company as well; a shut down must be taking into account what the project will cost from this date compared to the market potential. In some way, the cost already taking was in the cancellation decision already accepted to loose, therefore would this business calculation be reasonable.

·At last but not least, I want to send my best wishes to the TS-2 team at ACES and specially Rick Selby, Steve Heijster, Mike Porter for their appearance on the different TS communities. They have been acting very professional but in the same time with a large portion of enthusiasm. I think most of the community’s members have a very good feeling for how the ACES TS team where running the TS-2 project.

So, with above sentences, I would really hope that Microsoft is powerful enough to reconsider the decision to cut off the ACES studio.

Kindest Regards

Mycket bla bla, men nu har jag skrivit av mig i alla fall...
/Mazz ... ... ...

Senast redigerad av Mazz den 2009-01-29 klockan 17:31.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 17:04   #41
Tidigare mrdaddydj
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Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till Erik.H Skicka ett meddelande via Skype™ till Erik.H

Även jag gjorde ett litet brev. Ni kan läsa om mina tankar här:

Dear Microsoft.

It has come to my attention that you put Aces studios and thus both Microsoft Train Simulator 2 (TS2) and work on a continuation of the flight simulator Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS)

I can not more than to regret this deeply, but I must still get air my opinion in this foul play.

I expected that TS2 would come out for Christmas in 2009 but then suddenly came the news that the project is abandoned. I really think this is completely wrong to do. I myself had TS1 since it came out. I got the gift of my sister in autumn 2001. And the game has given me countless hours of pleasure and joy.

I do not really yours, or Bill Gates? reasoning to close this fine simulator. I have followed the development time and time again.

As you probably all know, this project has been stopped twice now. Scandalous is the word I'm looking for. To close the development of what could become the world's best trainsimulator is madness in my opinion. The game could generate as much money to Aces Studios would continue its good work, not atleast on the continuation of MSFS as Aces would be saved under me. At least one million people waiting to roll out on the tracks when TS2 is complete, to close down this project this close to completion is to say pure madness, Microsoft.

I hope you really take to you of any opinions you get to this page and really evaluate them. For I really am not alone to think like this.


Erik Höglund, Sweden.
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 17:15   #42
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Inlägg: 54


Takk for link, har også skrevet en klage. Vet ikke hvordan amerikanske firmaer funkar, men coca cola i norge har startet produksjon av urge 1,5l etter massiv påtrykkning ifra en gruppe på facebook.

Så jeg tror at om mange nok protesterer så vil de nok høre etter. Tross alt er de intressert i å tjene penger. Håper at de protesterer høyt i usa også ang msts 2.

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Gammal 2009-01-29, 17:56   #43
Bombardier Train
Tidigare Ruben
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Bara frågar... Är det verkligen sant att det inte blir någon MSTS-2 ? Varför gör Microsoft såhär?
//Bombardier Train

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Gammal 2009-01-29, 18:00   #44
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Ursprungligen postat av Ruben Radzynski
Bara frågar... Är det verkligen sant att det inte blir någon MSTS-2 ? Varför gör Microsoft såhär?
Svaret har redan postats
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Gammal 2009-01-29, 18:05   #45
Bombardier Train
Tidigare Ruben
Reg.datum: Oct 2008
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 2 907

Mycket tråkigt att höra.
//Bombardier Train

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