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Gammal 2016-12-08, 19:45   #1
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524
Standard TSW betan börjar nu att gå ut i världen

Info från Dovetail om den

As of now, we are busy working through the list of more than 15,000 Train Sim World Pioneers and activating their Beta. This may take some time so we urge you to be patient. There are a number of factors that determine when Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul Beta will appear in your Steam Library, so the actual time you’ll receive access to it may vary. While you wait for access, we would recommend you read through the whole of this article as there’s some really important information you should take on board.
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 20:05   #2
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 500

Nedladdning pågår....
/Mazz ... ... ...
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 20:06   #3
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524

Trodde den skulle laddas ned själv men man får gå in i Steam och bibliotek och spel.
Där ligger den och man kan installera den. Så nu håller jag på att ladda ned den. 2,4 gb tror jag.

Har nu fått igång den nu gäller det bara att lära sig den. Men det ser verkligen lovande ut

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-08 klockan 20:20.
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 22:19   #4
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524

Har testat den i lite olika scenarion och i stort säger jag Wow
Bra saker
1: Grafiken är väldigt bra tycker jag. De olika väder man kan ha har jag inte testat så mycket men det jag sett ser väldigt bra ut.
2: Hade bästa grafikinställningen Ultra 1900*1200 (V-sync off) och hade mellan 12-40 i fps.
3: Att man kan gå kring tåget och på loket känns verkligen bra. Det känns ju som det är på riktigt om man ska vara lokförare och ska ta ett tåg och köra iväg.
4: Ljudet är det bästa jag hört i någon simulator tror jag men måste testas mera
5: Hud för loket är väldigt bra tycker jag.
6: Sättet att TSW visar vad man ska göra gillar jag (tex lägga om växlar, lägga ur bromsen etc )

Mindre bra saker
1: Saknar Hud för banan framför. Lutningar hastigheter och signaler.
Här gissar jag att de inte har tagit fram den ännu.
2: Bromsarna på tåget tar alldeles för bra och jag tycker även att tågen accelererar för bra. Just här är jag inte alls nöjd med fysiken. Såg att på forumet i Uk train hade skrivet samma sak om bromsarna.
Men tågen verkar rulla bra men det är ju svårt att avgöra när det inte finns någon information om lutningar.
Möjligt att det kommer att finns olika svårighetslägen i simulatorn och detta var det lättaste men de har inte skrivit något om detta.

Men jag kommer att testa den mycket mera under dessa 12 dagar. Man kan ju klicka på varje knapp i loket och även öppna luckor och det kan bli intressant och se
vad som händer.

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-09 klockan 00:03.
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 22:26   #5
Reg.datum: Aug 2016
Ort: Sweden Köping
Inlägg: 174

Själv så har betan inte dykt upp i mitt bibliotek än...
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 22:41   #6
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524

Den borde ju vid denna tid ha legat där om du hade pioners edition
dvs de rutter som krävdes (5 specifika rutter)
Har du Pioners Edition så får du kontakta dovetail Länk
(Submit a ticket)

Men de har ju över 15000 betas som ska ut så det kan nog ta lite tid för dem. Låter som de får göra det manuellt.

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-08 klockan 22:50.
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 22:43   #7
Reg.datum: Aug 2016
Ort: Sweden Köping
Inlägg: 174

Yes, har pioneers edition och har skrivit en ticket för kanske 40 minuter sedan men fortfarande inget svar :/
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 23:32   #8
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Hur vet jag om jag har Pioners Edition?
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 23:36   #9
Reg.datum: Aug 2016
Ort: Sweden Köping
Inlägg: 174

Ursprungligen postat av Totte Visa inlägg
Hur vet jag om jag har Pioners Edition?
Antligen ifall du uppdaterade från 2016 till 2017 pioneers edition eller om du redan har 4 specifika rutter.

(Hamburg Lübeck Railway, North Jersey Coast Line, LGV: Marseille – Avignon, South Wales Coastal: Bristol – Cardiff)
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 23:39   #10
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524

Om du har dessa rutter i TS2017

Hamburg Lübeck Railway
North Jersey Coast Line
LGV: Marseille – Avignon
South Wales Coastal: Bristol – Cardiff
Har man dessa 4 rutter så har man pioners edition

och ska då få dessa 2 (om jag förstod rätt)
TSW beta

Men har du inte de 4 första rutterna så är det för sent för att skaffa dem nu (erbjudandet gick ut igår)

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-08 klockan 23:47.
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Gammal 2016-12-08, 23:54   #11
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 794

Tack för svaren. Då är det inget att göra åt.
Jag får väl vänta till nästa år.
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Gammal 2016-12-09, 12:21   #12
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524

Nu ska alla fått sina TSW beta säger dovetail. Men starta om steam
appen så dyker den nog upp om ni är behörig och ska ha den.

Promo koden den har jag inte sett och jag verkar inte ensam..........
Men nu kan alla komma åt fel-forumet ändå.
när man loggar in så kommer man åt forumet Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul Beta. Där ska man klaga att man inte kan ta tillbaka bromsen på svenska tangentbordet, tågen bromsar för bra etc

We have received confirmation from Valve that all of the 15,000+ Train Sim World Pioneers have been activated and should now be able to download, install and play the Beta.
For anyone who thinks they should have the Beta but has not yet received it in their Steam Library. Please ensure you restart Steam and check again. Once you have done this and it is still missing, please contact our Support Team who will be glad to help you.

As it appears that many of you have missed the Promo Code in the Dovetail Live activation email, or have not seen it in the loading screens, we are opening up the forums at for everyone.
You no longer require the Promo Code to register and log in. Please do not post comments or feedback relating to Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul in the Fishing forums.

The Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul Beta will run for 12 days from December 8th through to December 19th. Over the next 12 days, we encourage you to dive in, spend some time playing the Beta, and help us make our hobby, the greatest it can be

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-09 klockan 13:32.
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Gammal 2016-12-09, 13:09   #13
Reg.datum: Feb 2012
Ort: Södermalm
Inlägg: 1 366
Skicka ett meddelande via MSN till ADDE Skicka ett meddelande via Skype™ till ADDE

Har testat spelet och som jag trodde så klarar mitt grafikkort (Geforce GT 640) inte alls av spelet och det laggar enormt mycket. Annars verkar spelet rulla på fint så när som att klockan går som den ska...

så TSW är inget köp för mig förrän jag har skaffat mig en bättre rigg (planerar att ha ett hemmabygge härnäst) så tills vidare så stannar jag kvar på TS ett tag till.
Mvh SummerADDE

Alla mina projekt till Train Simulator Classic är nedlagda. Jag kommer härmed fokusera på att skapa rutter och innehåll till Train Sim World i fortsättningen.

Alla mina downloads på Google Drive kommer att tas bort permament den 31:a agusuti 2024.
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Gammal 2016-12-09, 13:17   #14
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524
Standard How To Get Better Frames In Tsw With Tsw Options And Nvidia Control Panel

Hittade lite råd hur man kunde få upp framraten på Nvidia Grafikkort,
Jag testade det och gick från 12-15 till kring 25 (har grafikkort GTX980M)

För övrigt såg jag att cpu jobbade med 40% när jag körde TSW (hade turboläget "*32" på min MSI GT72S)

Well me and a buddy that have the TSW beta found away to get some more better frames with those high end PC's. I am currently using a NVIDIA GTX 1070 graphics card getting just about 30 to 60 fps in game with this tweak we did.

1st: You wanna open up your TSW game and go to your graphics settings or "Screen" page and change it from "Windowed FullScreen" to just "FullScreen"

2nd: If you have a NVIDIA card you wanna open up your NVIDIA Control Panel and go to manage 3D Settings and click on Program Settings and add TSW.

3rd: After TSW is added scroll all the way down to "Power Management Mode" and select "Prefer Maximum Preformance" next go to "Texture Filtering - Quality" and click on High Quality, Now go to Texture Filtering -Trilinear Optimization and turn it on, and then turn on Triple Buffering.

Now when you start up TSW you should see a improvement in performance and not so much frame dropping.

någon skrev I did this and it made one H of a difference!!! Way Faster FR

Dovetail skriver detta om FPS
Trains are Noticeably Short
Currently, limitations on the way physics are optimised mean that full length trains have a direct impact on frame rate. In order to preserve the enjoyment for our TSW Pioneers, and ensure Train Sim World can function on a wider variety of computer specifications, we have opted to shorten trains while we continue to optimise the code. Trains will be longer in the full release of Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul. We would be interested in hearing your thoughts about appropriate consists as feedback on the forums.

Framerate Issues
We are constantly working through a process of reviewing the demands made by the software on both the graphics card and the CPU to achieve the best possible framerates. We will continue this for the final release but would appreciate your individual experiences for your hardware.

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-09 klockan 13:39.
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Gammal 2016-12-09, 13:57   #15
Reg.datum: Mar 2007
Ort: sundsvall
Inlägg: 524
Standard List of Known Issues​

I TSW forumet ligger en lista på kända fel här tar jag upp en del av dem. Dessa ska man inte ta upp de är kända

No head camera physics while seated in train (headbob, motion sensitivity, etc)
There is currently no physics camera while the player is seated in the locomotive, so it appears that the player view is welded to the movement of the cab. This will be rectified prior to the full release of Train Sim World: CSX Heavy Haul.

While in an external camera, sometimes the camera can get stuck in scenery or inside the train
We have implemented some handling to try and prevent the camera clipping through scenery but this code is still being improved. If you experience a problem, please let us know. Note that if your camera gets stuck, you can press CTRL+0 to reset its default starting position, which should allow you to continue to use it as normal.

No visibility of engineers/conductors in the TSW environment
Locomotives currently do not include physical representation of characters (engineers, conductors, etc), including a representation of your own character. We have a range of characters currently in development and these will be added in due course.

With Temporal Anti-Aliasing Enabled (TAA) - Ghosting of hard surfaces when in motion
This is a known side-effect of Screen Space Reflections that are exacerbated by Temporal Anti Aliasing. Disabling TAA can minimise these effects however some ghosting of surfaces will remain on opaque surfaces. We are currently investigating alternative solutions and will look to update once we are confident this situation has been corrected.

With FXAA Enabled - Scintillation / Fuzzy / Flickering
This is a known side-effect of FXAA.

Minimal functionality on the map view (Key 9)
The map view is an early implementation at the moment to provide an indication of the expected appearance. There is considerable work to be done in this area and we would appreciate your thoughts as feedback on the forums.

Rain sometimes doesn’t work on windows
We have observed that in some circumstances rain does not rest on windows. Any help you can provide in understanding the circumstances are most likely to reproduce this issue would be valuable feedback.

Rain sometimes can’t be wiped off windows
We have observed that in some circumstances rain cannot be wiped from windows. Any help you can provide in understanding what circumstances are more likely to reproduce this would be valuable feedback.

Rain does not obstruct the view sufficiently
It is known that the rain effect on windows does not sufficiently obstruct or distort the player’s view out of windows. Your feedback on this would be valuable to understand your perceptions.

Tunnel Lighting is incomplete
We have a number of tasks to change how tunnel lighting is implemented. We have a simplified implementation to prevent vehicles being brightly lit for the public beta and will be building in a more accurate representation as we continue development.

Trackwork is missing on the road ahead when driving
It is known that the trackwork randomly disappears or pops in instantly as you drive. We will address this prior to the release of the full product in February.

Support for international keyboards is lacking
We are looking at adding customisable keyboard and controller mappings and will look to provide suitable mappings for a range of international keyboards in due course.
Detta kan nog förklaras att vi inte kan ta tillbaka bromsen med tangentbordet

If you wait and let it go to night time, it won’t look correct, night time has not been tuned yet and that’s why it isn’t shown as a preset

We have opted to limit the times of day in the Beta as we have not optimised all aspects of how the world looks at all times of day and in all weather conditions.

Missing PCS Reset instructions from the manual
Detta händer när man inte trycker på alerter i tid då går tåget in i nödbroms
If the PCS trips during your journey (a light comes on and the brakes apply) you will need to follow these steps to reset it and allow you to continue:

Set the throttle to 0
Set the reverser to neutral
Set the auto brake to emergency
Wait 2 minutes
Set the independent brake to full
Set the auto brake to release
Allow the brakes to release, this will take some time
Once the brakes have fully released, release the independent brake and apply some power.

Visibility of Trackside Signage
Currently trackside signage is non-reflective and is therefore difficult to read. This will be addressed prior to release of the full version in February 2017.

Weather, Seasons & Time of Day Controls do not function
This functionality is limited in the Beta as additional work is required to optimise lighting at the various times of day, seasons and weather.

Boom Camera missing
The familiar “Boom” camera from Train Simulator (Keys 2 and 3) has not yet been implemented. This will be added prior to the full release in February.

Capture Screenshot works using Ctrl + F12
This will be replaced to the current familiar control of Ctrl + S in the final release in February.

Current speed limits are missing from the HUD
The current speed limit will be added to the HUD prior to the release in the full release in February. The HUD should be considered as representative of basic functionality, additional features will be added in due course. We would be interested in hearing your thoughts on customisation and features of the HUD as feedback on the forums.

HUD Driving controls are missing
This is by design. However, we are interested in hearing your thoughts on this as feedback on our forums.

Refuelling Cable Hose has Strange Physics
This implementation was proof of concept and will be replaced with an alternative set of physics for the hose in the final build.

Senast redigerad av jorgen3 den 2016-12-09 klockan 14:17.
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