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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > N3V Trainz > Trainz - Allmänt om Trainz

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Gammal 2008-06-30, 13:31   #1
Reg.datum: Jul 2006
Inlägg: 316
Standard Priority?

Hej. Jag undra om vad priorty är i TRS 06. Man kan ändra mellan 1 -3 tro jag att det är. Å Sen Running nummer. Vad har man för andvändning av dessa två saker.
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Gammal 2008-06-30, 13:54   #2
Reg.datum: Apr 2004
Ort: Lom - Norway
Inlägg: 1 272

Ursprungligen postat av Viktor
Hej. Jag undra om vad priorty är i TRS 06. Man kan ändra mellan 1 -3 tro jag att det är. Å Sen Running nummer. Vad har man för andvändning av dessa två saker.
Citat från TRS API reference

All track sections and trains have a priority value in the range of [1 - 3] with the default value being 2. The priority value for tracks and trains is not a numerical scale of precedence, but rather a value to user for matching by the AI driver. This means the driver will try and take the train along track sections that have a priority equal to that of the train.

For example, a driver in control of a train that has a priority of 1 will try and take the train along track sections with a priority of 1 whenever possible. As the priorities don't work on a precedence basis, the driver in this example will not favour a track section with a priority of 2 over one with 3 and vice-versa.

Priority values are not a mechanism for specifying an explicit route for a driver to take and should not be thought of in that way. Rather, it is about being able to specify preferences that the driver will follow when possible.
Running number:
public string runningNumberu= "" // running number of vehicle

Running number is the number assigned by the user in the surveyor property editor of the vehicle concerned. Its just used as a type of information you might want to retrieve in a script.

I Trainz vet man att det omöjliga är möjligt (bevingade ord myntade av Nisse).

Senast redigerad av svenolov den 2008-06-30 klockan 14:13.
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