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Gammal 2023-06-11, 14:32   #1
Reg.datum: Feb 2015
Inlägg: 26
Standard The analysis on the key factor of performing all scenarios of Kiruna-Narvik route

Hello everyone, I am a Railworks/TrainSimulator programs fan/zealot/enthusiast from the Far East. I find a well-made across the border area between sweden and Norway route add-on made by a swede whose name is Mr.News, and I think it's a spectacular, authentic and sophisticated that I've ever seen so far. It's well known that its prototypical route is the Lule?-Narvik-Kiruna iron ore heavy-duty electrified railway line across the border area between Sweden and Norway in reality of Lapland territory. Anyhow, I think the key factor of successfully or well performing all of the scenarios for the Lule?-Narvik-Kiruna iron ore heavy-duty electrified railway route add-on is just the productions of the necessary rolling stock add-ons for such a route - the route add-on of the Lule?-Narvik-Kiruna iron ore heavy-duty electrified railway line as in reality. Nevertheless, in view of this, I very much hope that the kind people here can do me a favor. Simply speaking, it's like this: In order to be able to truly or successfully perform all scenarios of the electrified heavy-duty iron ore transportation railway line from Lule?-Narvik-Kiruna route add-on that made by NewS, the necessary support/necessity for the following rolling stock add-ons is hereby required: The list of contents is as follows in detail: Heavyeagle\DSB MY\Engine\NSB_MY_Brown_Black.bin
Kuju\RailSimulator\RailVehicles\Freight\KBSWagon\c able1\kbs.bin
Kuju\RailSimulator\RailVehicles\Freight\KBSWagon\c able5\kbs.bin
Mazz\Sweden\railvehicles\freight\littgbs\litt_gbs. bin
Mazz\Sweden\RailVehicles\Freight\littGbs\litt_Gbs. bin
Mazz\Sweden\RailVehicles\Passenger\BCo11\30t_Co8c3 123.bin
Mazz\Sweden\RailVehicles\Passenger\BCo11\30t_f04.b in
Mazz\Sweden\RailVehicles\Passenger\BCo11\30tbc011. bin
RScott\Addon\RailVehicles\Freight\LTTurbot\Default \Wagon\LT_Turbot.bin
RSDL\GermanWagons01\RailVehicles\Freight\Facns133\ Variant1\Facns133_variant1.bin
RSItalia\Addon\RailVehicles\Freight\Carri_H_Pack\D efault\Wagon\FS_Habbiins_H15_02.bin
SAD2011\addon3\RailVehicles\Liebherr900\Engine\Lie bherr900_Engine_version2.bin
. It should be noted here that in order to overcome the current severe network blockade situation in my country, it is best for you to provide them directly in the form of compressed or decompressed file packages herein (namely that in the form of WinRAR or WinZIP hereby or a series of reliable or available website link addresses for the long-term downloading for them eventually). Well, thanks a lot for your support and help here. I am looking forward to your reply or I am here waiting for your reply, and all my best wishes to you. Good luck. See you *^_^*
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