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Sök: Inlägg gjorda av: Big Vern
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-26, 19:38
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Glad you can still get hold of MSTS. Hope...

Glad you can still get hold of MSTS.

Hope you enjoy the route - it would be nice to see some extra activities created for it, as activity creation is not one of my strong points.

Chief Track...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-05, 14:23
Svar: 5
Visningar: 1 629
Postat av Big Vern
I don't think there is any at least for Northern...

I don't think there is any at least for Northern Sweden. I looked before doing Inlandsbanan but the 90m DEM available in HGT format doesn't go that far north. My terrain was derived from contour...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-05, 12:38
Svar: 5
Visningar: 1 629
Postat av Big Vern
I have some experience with TS Tools. If you...

I have some experience with TS Tools. If you could kindly do an English translation of your question I'll see if I can help.

The terrain and markers for the Inlandsbanan route were all created...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-03, 17:37
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Not in MSTS, perhaps in TMTS when it comes out....

Not in MSTS, perhaps in TMTS when it comes out. That is mainly because MSTS doesn't handle train reversals very well. Also I'm taking a bit of a rest from MSTS route building apart from a short UK...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-02, 23:26
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Hi Fredrik - no problem at all with that then. I...

Hi Fredrik - no problem at all with that then. I saw some of the other stuff on there from this site and did wonder whether it was the repository for the Svenska 3D downloads. Confirmation...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-02, 21:05
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
This site is hosting the route without my...

This site is hosting the route without my permission!

Chief Track Welder
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-03-02, 21:02
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
I've only just found my way back here after...

I've only just found my way back here after losing all my data in a major computer crash a couple of weeks.

I hope those of you who have driven the route have found it enjoyable. If anyone is...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-24, 11:10
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Thanks Fredrik. Don't forget the patch too. ...

Thanks Fredrik. Don't forget the patch too.

Chief Track Welder
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-23, 20:53
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
I would like to keep downloads on

I would like to keep downloads on and UK Trainsim (plus my CD service), but thank you for offering. I'm still awaiting a response from Mats as regards uploading to the E-Buzz site.
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-21, 11:04
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Largely experience. I found as the route became...

Largely experience. I found as the route became larger, the RE became more unstable with camera lock ups and send/don't send messages. To some extent it is probably system related - this route was...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-18, 20:36
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Thanks for the kind words. The route is more...

Thanks for the kind words.

The route is more or less complete as I have issued it. However I am not ruling out a later extension. However at 271km it seems to be pushing the limits of what MSTS...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-13, 10:52
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
The main archive is now available on

The main archive is now available on however I have had to upload a small patch as Route Riter appears to have deleted a couple of shape and texture files it shouldn't have. A patch has...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-12, 11:00
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
The route has now been released. The files...

The route has now been released.

The files are currently awaiting approval at and UK Trainsim I have also asked Mat if he can accept it to the file library on this site.

I have...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-09, 17:35
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Y7 cab is excellent, the rear view comes in handy...

Y7 cab is excellent, the rear view comes in handy for shunting as I have created one activity where you need to fuel the Railcar then move into the platform at Arvidsjaur. I've added the Passenger...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2005-01-08, 20:28
Svar: 61
Visningar: 27 291
Postat av Big Vern
Inlandsbanan - Now at Beta

It has been a long 4 months but I'm happy to report that my Inlandsbanen route project from Gallivare to Arvidsjaur has now entered the beta testing stage. A few screenshots are shown below:
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-12-15, 22:55
Svar: 7
Visningar: 10 198
Postat av Big Vern
Nice model. I have tried to keep the maximum...

Nice model.

I have tried to keep the maximum gradient around 2% (1 in 50), in the absence of the proper gradient profile so should not be too taxing.

Chief Track Welder
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-12-15, 20:48
Svar: 7
Visningar: 10 198
Postat av Big Vern
If it can get up some of the hills! Chief...

If it can get up some of the hills!

Chief Track Welder
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-12-14, 20:58
Svar: 7
Visningar: 10 198
Postat av Big Vern
Thanks Robban that is excellent news. It's a nice...

Thanks Robban that is excellent news. It's a nice model and I didn't really want to use the Goldsdorf (or a UK Class 158 Sprinter!!).

With regard to screenshots, I will try and get some uploaded...
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-12-14, 13:04
Svar: 7
Visningar: 10 198
Postat av Big Vern
Trying to Contact Robert Österman

I need to contact Robert Österman for permissions to use the Y7 railcar for activities on the Inlandsbanan in particular inclusion on a CD version. It also needs a couple of tweaks to the eng file,...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2004-11-21, 23:51
Svar: 15
Visningar: 16 896
Postat av Big Vern
Sorry to bump but this site seems to have gone...

Sorry to bump but this site seems to have gone since I last looked. Popped back today to check and see if there any more items to use for the Inlandsbanan and comes up with error message "domain does...
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-11-19, 23:54
Svar: 2
Visningar: 8 920
Postat av Big Vern
Hellfire! I would have to say the Y7 is...


I would have to say the Y7 is closer to the original British first generation DMU's, certainly as regards the gear change though the idle, ironically sounds very close to a Class 158...
Forum: MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails 2004-11-18, 20:49
Svar: 2
Visningar: 8 920
Postat av Big Vern
Y1 and Y7 - Cab View and Sounds

Looking ahead to when the Inlandsbanan is released it would be nice to be able to use the correct sounds and cabview for the Y1 and Y7 DMU's. I don't think anyone wants to travel 270km with the Kiha...
Forum: SST - Simulator för spårburen trafik 2004-11-09, 00:47
Svar: 154
Visningar: 89 119
Postat av Big Vern
A progress update for the non-Swedish train sim...

A progress update for the non-Swedish train sim fans eagerly awaiting this would be much appreciated!

Chief Track Welder
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2004-11-05, 15:12
Svar: 1
Visningar: 5 309
Postat av Big Vern
A quick progress update... Track and scenery...

A quick progress update...

Track and scenery laid from Kabdalis to Moskosel, with track and some scenery extending south towards Tjappsaive (don't ask me to pronounce that one, I struggle with...
Forum: Landskapsdesign - MSTS / Open Rails 2004-11-02, 10:21
Svar: 2
Visningar: 1 535
Postat av Big Vern
Looks like another great Scandinavian route in...

Looks like another great Scandinavian route in 2005!

We have the Bergen line under construction, I'm doing northern Inlandsbanan, Hawk is producing his stuff - all we need now is the Andalsnes...
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