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Gammal 2004-12-14, 13:04   #1
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42
Standard Trying to Contact Robert Österman

I need to contact Robert Österman for permissions to use the Y7 railcar for activities on the Inlandsbanan in particular inclusion on a CD version. It also needs a couple of tweaks to the eng file, specifically the addition of a passenger capacity line so station stops work correctly, a slight tweak to the acceleration and braking performance and strengthen the coupler break value to 9N as there are several stretches with more than 16km between points/turnouts.

The only contact details I have for Robert is the Hotmail address in the Y7 readme dated from early 2002, to which he has not replied. If anyone has more up to date information then please PM me or email me at (remove nospam for the address to work).

Around 66% of the primary route building is now done and it would be a great shame if the only activities I can distribute it with are using the default Goldsdorf and Orient Express stock.

Chief Track Welder
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Gammal 2004-12-14, 15:44   #2
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: , , Sweden.
Inlägg: 588

Hallo Big Vern.

I saw your mail last night wen I came home from my job, but was to tired to answer (10 hours driving).
Now it´s impossible to contact my hotmail account (has been strange for the last two weeks or so).

And to your question : YES you can include the Y7 on your download/cd.
I have a newer version in my workshop, but I guess it will not be completed in time.

Regards Robban

ps. it´s normal that I am not answering my e-mails in weeks because of my job, when Hotmail decides to let me in again I will send you my real adress.
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Gammal 2004-12-14, 18:29   #3
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sundsvall, Sweden.
Inlägg: 6 919

Hi Big Vern!

Can we see some screenshots of the route, please?
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Gammal 2004-12-14, 20:58   #4
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42

Thanks Robban that is excellent news. It's a nice model and I didn't really want to use the Goldsdorf (or a UK Class 158 Sprinter!!).

With regard to screenshots, I will try and get some uploaded from the RE in the next few days. I'm currently working up the Pakkoselet Lake and River towards Porjus, it's surprising how time consuming simple trees and water is. I am hoping Arvidsjaur through to Porjus will be complete by the end of December, though there is a fair bit of 3D modelling to be done for that section and work is getting in the way over the next week or two. That will leave 50km or so from Porjus to Gallivare to complete then of course the signalling, other interactives and fine detail. So still looking set for release around mid-February 2005.

Chief Track Welder
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Gammal 2004-12-15, 20:05   #5
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Inlägg: 662

This realy seems like a neat route. Wonder how it'll look with my Litt. B pulling some 1930's passenger coaches or a local freight on it..[][]


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Gammal 2004-12-15, 20:48   #6
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42

If it can get up some of the hills!

Chief Track Welder
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Gammal 2004-12-15, 22:18   #7
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Inlägg: 662

On shorter trains I'm confident that she will. Otherwise I'll make a Litt. R to help out.


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Gammal 2004-12-15, 22:55   #8
Big Vern
Reg.datum: Aug 2003
Ort: , , United Kingdom.
Inlägg: 42

Nice model.

I have tried to keep the maximum gradient around 2% (1 in 50), in the absence of the proper gradient profile so should not be too taxing.

Chief Track Welder
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