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Gammal 2024-10-14, 15:34   #449
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 810

I hope it works out for you; it would be interesting to check out any scenarios you make!

I don't really have any hopes that they will "fix" TS, but if someone with good knowledge of LUA scripting would be able to totally remake the Swedish signal scripts, or at least find out where the problems are with the current scripts, then we might have a way forward. The advantage of this is that by updating the scripts, the signals can be fixed without having to replace hundreds of signal objects and probably thousands of links in the route. The downside is that since different signals interact with each other, it likely means that all the signal scripts have to be altered. On the other hand, if it's possible to find out exactly which behaviour causes the crashes, it could potentially be an easy fix.
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