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Gammal 2015-01-07, 02:15   #1
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580
Standard Swenbanan - fictive swedish route

I've made a big update of my old swedish test route for TS2015 and above.

The route has a total length of approx. 390 km (Nord-City to South-Harbor approx. 320 km)

please read the included readme file for more download links (more assets needed)

Please install all rpk and rwp files from the assets pack. Some files are newer as at

You need the European Loco & Asset Pack

You need in some scenarios the Rc and or the Da-EL12-Dm loco package.
Rc loco:
Da-EL12-Dm loco:

Please drive in curves 10km/h lower as allowed.


SE-Swenbanan_v2.0_by_newS_for_TS2015_and_above.rar - 68,6 Mb

SE-Swenbanan_v2.0_by_newS_for_TS2015_and_above-Assets.rar - 221 Mb
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 02:28   #2
Reg.datum: Jan 2008
Inlägg: 33

Absolutely fantastic, thank you so much for all your great work!
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 11:12   #3
Reg.datum: Mar 2002
Ort: Trollhättan
Inlägg: 9 833

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Gammal 2015-01-07, 14:12   #4
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sundsvall, Sweden.
Inlägg: 6 919

Thank you!
Mvh Pirpen
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 15:25   #5
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 1 427

Isn´t it possible to package the route and include all assets so we can have one (1) .rwp-file with all assets included in one (1) install?

When i downloaded Northern Europe all assets but two were included in the download and installing was a breeze.

Mvh, Roger
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 17:50   #6
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

If you install more as one rwp/rpk file you can use drag and drop.

- open the Utilities.exe
- go to the package manager and click update
- open the file manager and select all rwp/rpk files
- drag all files into the window of Utilities.exe and drop the files at left in the window

I can't packing all assets in one rwp file. Some assets are updated in future ...

Senast redigerad av newS den 2015-01-07 klockan 17:51.
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 19:18   #7
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 1 427

Ursprungligen postat av newS Visa inlägg
If you install more as one rwp/rpk file you can use drag and drop.

- open the Utilities.exe
- go to the package manager and click update
- open the file manager and select all rwp/rpk files
- drag all files into the window of Utilities.exe and drop the files at left in the window
I can´t drop the files anywhere in TS Utilites UI.

I clicked Install and browsed to the files in the Load Package dialog. Selecting all files in that dialog did the trick.

Mvh, Roger

Senast redigerad av Rogge den 2015-01-07 klockan 19:23.
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 19:44   #8
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 1 427

I have installed everything, the route and the assets in the file SE-Swenbanan_v2.0_by_newS_for_TS2015_and_above-Assets.rar.

I cannot find the route when i try to do a Quick Drive and if i try to create a new Scenario i end up in the route Northern Europe. (See attached image)

No QD is not an issue, but ending up in another route when i try to create a Sceanrio for Swenbanan is.
Bifogade bilder
Filtyp: jpg SC.jpg (245.5 KB, 584 visningar)

Mvh, Roger
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 21:43   #9
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

Sorry, but QuickDrive is not available.

If you make a new scenario, load a scenario, open the editor and create a new scenario marker:

click on the picture to enlarge:
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Gammal 2015-01-07, 23:06   #10
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Stockholm
Inlägg: 420

Thanks for the route!
Henrik besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2015-01-07, 23:37   #11
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

One house is missig!

I've updated the package "swedish-houses_by_newS-pack02". Please download and install it:

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Gammal 2015-01-10, 02:26   #12
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

I've made a update for the swedish catenarys.


swedish catenarys by newS v 2.2.2

with new rails and swedish roads


- I've added some missed files for the roads



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Gammal 2015-01-10, 23:28   #13
Reg.datum: Nov 2010
Ort: Nordland, Norway
Inlägg: 92

Cool route indeed, but some of those curves are super 'brutal'
Hilsen Thomas
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Gammal 2015-01-11, 01:26   #14
Reg.datum: Apr 2007
Inlägg: 810

Ursprungligen postat av NorwegianTrainz Visa inlägg
Cool route indeed, but some of those curves are super 'brutal'
I was just going to make the same comment! Also the gradients are very steep, in some places over 5%.

Another comment I have is about signalling and signage:

Block signals and entry signals should normally have a distant signal, normally 1 km (if I remember correctly it can be between 800 m and 1200 m, if the distance is more or less than this there should be a sign with the distance) before the main signal. Where the signal blocks are less than 3 km the distant signal is normally built-in with the previous block signal. If this is the case an orientation sign is placed 1 km before the next signal, indicating to the driver that this is the point to take action to any restrictive signal aspect from the previous signal.

Where a lower speed limit is coming up ahead, the orientation sign for this should also be 1 km before the new speed limit.

I know it's just a test route, but maybe you will find this useful when building the Kiruna-Narvik route.
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Gammal 2015-01-11, 01:41   #15
Reg.datum: Dec 2007
Ort: Ostfreesland/Tyskland
Inlägg: 580

At the Swenbanan I have forgot the distance signals. I has planned to change the signs to signals.

At the Kiruna route I make it as real. I have Videos (Narvik-Kiruna and Kiruna-Narvik) and I compare it.
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