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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > Microsoft Trainsimulator / Open Rails > MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails

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Gammal 2007-09-08, 10:11   #1
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58
Standard Route between Stockholm and Falun..???

Hi all. Has anyone considered doing a route between stockholm and Falun or Borlänge which includes passing through Uppsala, Sala, Avesta to Falun or another town? That is my wish I'm trying to keep my fingers cross that maybe someone has thought about it. I love these different Swedish routes that are coming out. They are amazingly detailed. I must commend you guys for doing such extraordinary work.
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Gammal 2007-09-11, 10:38   #2
Byggare Bob
Inlägg: n/a

Hi Charles. Since we all now mainly "focus" on the new simulators
and MSTS 2:

i doubt the possibility to do any "new" routes in the MSTS, would be very limited.

But if someone should build a route as you wish from Stockholm and Falun, i guess it would be done in KRS or MSTS2.

Sad to say, but i think we can only expect a minor number of new routes or other content for the original MSTS in the future, since KRS is released in the next month. Life goes on...

Senast redigerad av Byggare Bob den 2007-09-11 klockan 10:45.
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Gammal 2007-09-13, 23:12   #3
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58

That's okay. If someone could make it for the new MSTS or the other one I'll still be happy. I'm still going to buy both when they come out So I do hope you experts out there would take up the challange
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