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Ämnesverktyg | Visningsalternativ |
2002-07-28, 19:24 | #1 |
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
Ort: Stockholm, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 37
Ökad Frame-Rate
Hej jag fördubblade min framerate med dessa enkla kommandon från Microsoft. Läs här eller gå in på TrainSimulators Hemsida under FAQ och läs. Jag har ett Asus V7700 Grafikkort på 32 MB. Och jag lade till "/fsaa /anisotropic". Ni kommer fatta om ni läser här nere.
Q. I have a fast PC with the latest graphics card-can I do anything improve the visual quality of the game? A. Apart from turning all the standard graphics settings up to the maximum, there are a couple of command-line switches you can try. These are experimental features that require your 3-D card to support them and they haven't been optimized for Train Simulator, but try experimenting with them--you might like the results. Create a shortcut to train.exe in the folder where you installed Train Simulator and add one or more of the switches (for example, /anisotropic) listed below: (Remember that you need a 3-D card that supports these features to see any difference.) To create a shortcut to train.exe Locate the file train.exe in Windows® Explorer, right-click it and select Create Shortcut. Right-click the resulting shortcut and select Properties. The Target dialog box displays, containing the full path to train.exe (for example, "c:\program files\microsoft games\train simulator\train.exe"). Add the required switch(es) at the end of that path, outside the quotation marks, leaving a space between the path and each switch. For example: "c:\program files\microsoft games\train simulator\train.exe" /anisotropic This activates anisotropic filtering if supported. Also please note, although there are line breaks on this web page, the bold text on the line above should be treated as a single line without breaks. --or-- "c:\program files\microsoft games\train simulator\train.exe" /fsaa This activates full-scene anti-aliasing if supported. Adding this switch renders the view at a higher resolution and then samples it back down to the resolution you have chosen--it can slow down performance quite significantly but can also reduce jagged edges and improve the general appearance of the view. --or-- "c:\program files\microsoft games\train simulator\train.exe" /fsaa /anisotropic This activates both full-scene anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering. Adding this switch improves the filtering used to render the textures, particularly on polygons that are almost perpendicular to the screen. Note: Be aware that by using a shortcut to train.exe you bypass any options selected in the Troubleshooting menu. If you need to reproduce the effect of these options you can add the following switches: /forcemaskz -- Smoke displays in block form. /pixbias -- Text displays in block form. /maxtex:256-- Textures are distorted. /nofiltercab-- Seams are visible in cab cockpits. /ttfblitfix -- Text is distorted or not displayed. /skipsizecheck -- Skip texture size limit test. /skipbiascheck -- Skip pixel behavior text. /simpleclipping -- Snow causes game to crash or does not display. Depending on the precise implementation of full-scene anti-aliasing on your 3-D card you may see a seaming or tiling effect in the Cab views, in which case adding the switch /nofiltercab may help. For example: "c:\program files\microsoft games\train simulator\train.exe" /fsaa /nofiltercab |
2002-07-28, 22:31 | #2 |
Nu hänger jag inte med här? Vad är det som får spelet att flyta på dubbelt så snabbt? FSAA gör väl knappast spelet snabbare? Med vänlig hälsning: Pson |
2002-07-28, 23:04 | #3 | |
Senior Member
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: , , Sweden.
Inlägg: 275
//Peter |
2002-07-29, 02:17 | #4 |
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
Ort: Stockholm, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 37
Jag kan inget om datorer, därför vet jag inte "fsaa" betyder. Jag gjorde som anvisat i texten och jag kör Hakone- Routen med cirka 15 i FPS mot cirka 8 innan. Jag har ställt in alla grafikparametrar på max/bäst. Det var något som stod på hemsidan och det funkar perfekt för mig. Prova en gång och se vad som händer, ni förstör ju inget genom att göra det och det funkade ju utmärkt för mig.
MVH Patrik |