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Gammal 2002-09-26, 11:17   #1
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , China.
Inlägg: 53
Standard a problem with the route KMJ! Please help me~~~!

Hi, everybody! I'm a Chinese. I've downloaded the route KMJ, but it seems that my PC can't support some Swedish characters. Can anyboy help me?? The problem is: the 2 documents in "..\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator\ROUTES\KMJ-route-v.2\Shapes" cannot be read correctly by my MSTS. They look like "g”dsel.s" and "g”" in my PC. Woule you please tell me what the 2 documents really are? What's the character "”d"? Or what can I do for them? Thank you so much! Please reply me in English.

Bluesky besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-26, 12:15   #2
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Björklinge, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 358

Hi !!!

The problems you are having is with the swedish letters ÅÄÖ, your computer can´t read them. There is one way to solve the problem and that is to change all the s and sd files containing ÅÄÖ, and also all ace textures must be changed.
To do tha you must know how to change s, sd and ace files.

You can also contact the athour to the route ( see memebers page ) it´s Hawk you are looking for..

Good luck !!!

The rest is in swedish !!

Om ni gör grejor till MSTS som ni släpper internationellt så kan det vara bra att tänka på att inte använda bokstäverna Å Ä Ö. Detta pga av att det finns ett stort antal användare i länder där op systemen inte stödjer dom bokstäverna.
Till JBJ fick vi lösa detta med en multilanguage fix.

därmed slut på serien onödigt vetande <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle><img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Tomas / Repairman

Edited by - repairman on 26 September 2002 11:15:54
avslutat_konto besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-26, 18:00   #3
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267

Problemet är koskit.<img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>
Hur ska man göra, bytte namn på gödsel till godsel men de hjälpte inte.<img src=icon_smile_question.gif border=0 align=middle>
ace-filen som gödsel använder heter dasstex.ace
Så det är bara denna gödselstack som har ö, alla andra shapes är utan åäö


Edited by - Hawk on 26 September 2002 17:27:02
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Gammal 2002-09-26, 19:59   #4
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 1 427

quote:The problem is: the 2 documents in "..\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator\ROUTES\KMJ-route-v.2\Shapes" cannot be read correctly by my MSTS. They look like "g”dsel.s" and "g”" in my PC.
- Hi Bluesky !

I assume that cause of this problem the KMJ-route don´t run properly on Your computer. If i´m correct on that one, try this to solve Your problem:

1. Rename g”dsel.s to godsel.s
2. Rename g” to
3. Now, open up with Wordpad and change shape ( g”dsel.s to shape ( godsel.s (Do not open with Notepad.)
4. Save changes and close Wordpad.
5. Now the KMJ-Route should run without any problems.
6. Enjoy the beauty of the KMJ-route !

Sincerely, R o g e ®

Edited by - Rogge on 26 September 2002 19:00:22
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Gammal 2002-09-26, 20:24   #5
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Björklinge, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 358

Ett anna sak som han måste ändra är alla stationsnamn som innehåller ÅÄÖ <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Hi Bluesky !!

Also open the route in the route editor and change all the stationnames with the letters ÅÄÖ ( " )..

<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Tomas / Repairman
avslutat_konto besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 06:36   #6
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , China.
Inlägg: 53

Thank you for all your help!! I've done what you all told me to do, but it seems the problem remains!!! Yes, I did like this:
1. Rename g”dsel.s to godsel.s
2. Rename g” to
3. Now, open up with Wordpad and change shape ( g”dsel.s to shape ( godsel.s (Do not open with Notepad.)
4. Save changes and close Wordpad

But I think there're some other documents related to the 2 "g”dsel.s" and "g”". I found out that the "g”dsel.s" was in the documents "KMJ-route-v.2.ref", then I changed it, and went back to MSTS. But the problem happened again! So there're still some documents related to the 2 wrong documents. What are they? what can I do further?

Bluesky besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 10:50   #7
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Björklinge, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 358

Hi Bluesky !!!!

Did you change all stationnames witch contains the swedish letters ÅÄÖ ??
If not do that in the route editor, rightklick on the station and sidingmarkers and rename them. Save and exit .

Open the shapefile folder and sort the s files by name and see if you can find any more s files that needs to be changed<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

Tomas / Repairman
avslutat_konto besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 15:18   #8
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , China.
Inlägg: 53

Thanks repairman! But only the 2 wrong documents are the problem!!! I've deleted all the original paths, and created them myself. So there's no crash when loading the stationnames. Someone here told me that the "g”dsel.s" and "g”" might exist in the documents in the directory "World". You know so many docs in World!!! I cannot open every doc to check if there is "g”dsel.s" exist in it!! I'm so unlucky. ...

Bluesky besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 16:38   #9
Senior Member
Reg.datum: Nov 2001
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Inlägg: 895


I think the tile files useing "g”dsel.s", but I'm not sure.
But you can open the w-files in wordpad and search for "g”dsel.s". (and change it if you find any)

Greetings Zzarr

Zzarr besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 18:39   #10
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Björklinge, , Sweden.
Inlägg: 358

Hi again bluesky..

I can check the worldfiles for you, i´m just going to mail Hawk and ask on how many places he has put the objekts in. I´ll mail the worldfiles to you as soon as i´m ready <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle>

Hawk !! vet du hur många ställen gödselstacken står på ??? och kan du maila mig dom worldfilerna så döper jag om dom även där <img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

har tyvärr inte din rutt installerad ( lite för stor för ett trött modem <img src=icon_smile_wink.gif border=0 align=middle> )

Tomas / Repairman
avslutat_konto besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2002-09-27, 19:11   #11
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267

Jag har gått igenom hela rutten nu och tagit bort alla gödselstackar.
Sedan så döpte ja om filen gödsel.s till godsel.s och satte tillbaka dom som godsel.
Ref-filen är också ändrad.
Jag har nu ett antal nya worldfiler som man skulle kunna lägga upp som ett tillägg.
Tack för erbjudandet Tomas, men ja hade redan gjort detta jobb när ja läste ditt inlägg.

Please mail me, and I send you the new "world-files"
The file is only 620 Kb


Edited by - Hawk on 27 September 2002 19:38:23
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Gammal 2002-09-28, 09:42   #12
Reg.datum: Sep 2002
Ort: , , China.
Inlägg: 53

Hi, repairman and Hawk! Thank you for all your kind help! I've emailed you 2 to your "" and "".

Bluesky besöker inte forumet just nu  
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