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Gammal 2009-08-31, 14:49   #1
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 501
Standard RailWorks v97.6a

En ny uppdatering av RailWorks har nyligen kommit, med följande innehåll:

Added jumping to a location via ctrl+clicking in the 2D Map (Edit Mode Only)
Added steam chuffing on AI locomotives and double headed trains
Added LUA scripts allowed on all wagons and tenders
Added waypoint at speed to be used as the Final Destination of a Scenario
Added locomotive bell to keymapping in all control modes (B key)
Added bell sounds to dressed level crossings on Barstow - San Bernadino
Added Electrification Display to Track Property display cycle
Added engines being off when no driver icon is placed on them (turns off smoke emittion and removes drivers from cab)
Fixed the preview function in the Asset Editor for Windows Vista users
Fixed road traffic not being able to cross ribbon joints
Fixed turning Bubble Labels on/off in Edit Mode
Fixed the loss of the zoom function in the 2D Map when authoring scenario instructions
Fixed a signal at Maidenhead on the Oxfo-Padd route that was sticking at red
Fixed horn staying on if a save was done at the same time
Removed some wiggly fence placement along Oxfo-Padd route
Added Camera Zoom function to mouse scroll wheel on head-out
Added particle emitters can be tied to controls via the EngineScript of a locomotive (not used by default locomotives yet)
Rain no longer falls in tunnels

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