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Gå tillbaka   Svenska 3D-Tåg - Forum > Microsoft Trainsimulator / Open Rails > MS Trainsimulator - Allmänt om MS Trainsimulator / Open Rails

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Gammal 2004-01-16, 18:54   #16
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Ort: , , Netherlands.
Inlägg: 11

A clear "Thank you" to everybody who is trying to destroy the language-boundries between Sweden and Holland. The problem I have got is after installing 3.0 and the upload 3.1 It appears that also some trains were uploaded. My problem isn't the night versions of the X 2000 at all, they are wonderfull! No, it's the day-version (Sj-x2000 manover)who is giving trouble.
I used the Activity Analyser (a powerful and cheap payware-tool from the makers of German Railroads )to solve the problem, simply switched the new x 2000 by the "old" one, used in KMJ 2.0.(X 2000 Photo 2.0 manövervagn) Runs great.
By the way, I was very pleased to see a Swedish presence in the Dutch forum ( I hope that in the future more Swedesh msts-friends will be our guests!
Best regards,
robros besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2004-01-16, 20:31   #17
Inlägg: n/a

Okay, but the X2000 Photo 2.0 isn't an older version but another version of the X2000 model for Train Simulator. The version of X2000 that comes with KMJ 3.0/KMJ 3.1 is made by Hawk, the person who also made the KMJ route.
The X2000 Photo 2.0 is made by another member of this forum, Pson. I'm not too sure, but I think both X2000 models were released almost at the same time.


/ Lukas Nilson
Gammal 2004-01-17, 05:02   #18
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: Mölndal
Inlägg: 4 267

quote:Tidigare skrev robros

OK, thank you for the quick answer. Other question: I downloaded the 3.1 upgrade, including the new X2000. All of a sudden the speedometer lost his analog needle as well as the digital speedfigures. Something wrong in my computer? download failure? or a small bug?
Best regards,
Here is the solution


Hawk besöker inte forumet just nu  
Gammal 2004-01-19, 23:08   #19
Reg.datum: Feb 2003
Ort: , , Netherlands.
Inlägg: 11

Hi Niofem,
Thanks for informing me about the existence of several X 2000. I seemed to be a littlebit mixed up about that. In my opinion Pson did a nice job, the train looks smart and is running smoothly.

And Hawk, I downloaded the bugfix at .Thanks for the bonus (bigger windscreen). Once more I want to thank you for your wonderful job, in my computer KMJ 3.1 is the king of the routes.
Best regards for the both of you,

robros besöker inte forumet just nu  
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