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Gammal 2005-12-06, 05:44   #1
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58
Standard Can't seem to download files

Hi there. New here and i've been trying to download the jbj route and locomotives in the download section but I'm not having any luck. I've registered here so shouldn't this give me access or do i havve to register somewhere else again? Thanks
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Gammal 2005-12-06, 09:29   #2
Admin & STW-member
Reg.datum: Aug 2001
Ort: , , Sweden.
Inlägg: 5 814

The JBJ-route can be found here from now on.

You say that some locos don't seem to work. Can you please give me an example of one?
Din lokala fotograf -

Senast redigerad av Fredrik den 2005-12-06 klockan 09:32.
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Gammal 2005-12-06, 13:24   #3
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58

Thanks. I meant that I could not download the locomotives on the site that I had mentioned. This probably was because the link had been changed. That's all. Are you guys thinking of doing more swedish routes?

BTW, are there any payware sites that offer swedish msts products?

Another question. Is there a chance that you guys can wheather some of the locomotives a bit? They look so new.

I was also wondering if the trees and scale track from the pics on this link: are included in the route or do i have to download it form the library? Thanks

Senast redigerad av Charles King den 2005-12-06 klockan 13:49.
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Gammal 2005-12-06, 14:33   #4
Reg.datum: Sep 2001
Ort: Vendelsö
Inlägg: 4 501

Hi Charles and welcome to the the Swedish fora!

Regarding Swedish routes, you have som more at the Banbyggarna site:

- Greningebanan, a narrow track route from Pierre
- Djurgårdslingen, a tram route from Pierre
- Water, no land, just water... Boats are best to run on this route.
- NEJ, a private company route from the north of Seden, by Pierre
- JBJ, as you know...
- GDSJ, se below

You can also test a very beatiful route from Hawk (the Swedish Hawk... ), called KMJ3, it is avaible at and

Other routes down the road is:

Trollhättan route by Totte:

VHJ, but that route is currently not downloadable


LLJ, a long-time project by me... :


Södra Lidingöbanan by Pierre:


JBJ2 by Hawk again:

Maybe I have missed some, but on the "Landskapsdesign - MSTS" you will find progress updates on routes:

I have also released GDSJ, aviable on Banbyggarna, however that route is intended for routebuilder as a start plate, with all tracks done and then populate the route with your own envirement and release it as your own route.

On Banbyggarna you also have some trains:

A agree with you regarding wheatering the trains, that would be nice...

Regarding the tracks in JBJ, showed by Sinclar, it is not the track texture that is included in JBJ and I think also the trees are upgrades.
/Mazz ... ... ...

Senast redigerad av Mazz den 2005-12-06 klockan 14:45.
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Gammal 2005-12-06, 15:00   #5
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58

Thanks for the welcome. I will definately check out those links. Now regarding those trees and scale rail. I would love to use those trees and tracks in the jbj route. Do you have a procedure for doing that?
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