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Gammal 2006-03-19, 16:43   #1
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58
Standard New screenshots junkie forum

Hi all. Just would like to let you know of a new forum I just started geared towards screenshot junkies like myself. The is all about simulation screenshots. So ,if you have the time check check it out either to post something or just browse. I started it yesterday to it is still a new born

I'm updating gradually to includ other new screenshot forums of other than trains. It doesn't have its own data place for storing pics yet. I'm working on that. It'll probably take some time but in the meantime just link them from another source.

Anyway, hope you'll visit the forum. Thanks.

The link: Screenshot Junkies Forum:

ScreenShot Junkies
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Gammal 2006-03-19, 17:03   #2
Reg.datum: Sep 2005
Inlägg: 1 686

It seens to be a very nice forum Charlie
Sparkfot besöker inte forumet just nu   Svara med citat
Gammal 2006-03-20, 08:15   #3
Charles King
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Ort: Sweden
Inlägg: 58

Thanks. I hope it gets off to a good start. If people ever get to post there. We'll see. Time will tell.
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