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Gammal 2007-10-19, 21:55   #1
Reg.datum: Aug 2005
Ort: Falun
Inlägg: 1 066
Standard Custom Route Deleter

Hej! Hittade detta prg

by karma99 Custom Route Deleter
Hi there!
Long time lurker, first time poster, and I'm impressed with Rail Sim so far despite it's short comings at release. Some of the work I've seen on custom routes after just 5 days is great. BUT, you can't easily delete custom routes which seems to be a problem for a lot of people when it would be nice to just have a mess around and learn the tools.
So I have written a small application that will do it for you.

read the readme file, install as a normal piece of software and use as you see fit. You cannot remove the default routes (they are listed in an accompanying file which removes them from the deletion list), only custom routes.
I have tested it thoroughly on my RS installation but obviously it comes with the usual warning and disclaimers for freeware. I highly recommend a routes backup and instructions for that are in the readme if you're not PC literate.

Other than that, I hope it makes life a little easier in RS and in 3-4 weeks it might be no use anyway (full dev tools release - assuming this has a delete feature - when I hope to start some route work myself)
Questions and errors can be sent to the email in the readme, or if UKTrainSim don't mind, right here in this th


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