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Sök: Inlägg gjorda av: Yellow_wing
Forum: Landskapsdesign - DTG - Train Simulator 2021-03-16, 18:34
Svar: 361
Visningar: 459 232
Postat av Yellow_wing
Thanks for update and the work!

Thanks for update and the work!
Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-14, 22:13
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
Hello hgv Thanks for your reply. I will...

Hello hgv

Thanks for your reply.

I will try with portals.
Also I will try the other scenarios too.

I saw that you want to update the route. Great! Thanks for your work!

Kind regards
Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-12, 00:04
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
Szenario: Veteran Tag Björkliden-Kiruna


With scenario: 'Veteran Tag Björkliden-Kiruna' I have a lot of trouble.

I tried multiply time. With long distance scenario, I'm using often the time accelaration (by using...
Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-10, 13:11
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
@hgv Your question: All brown trains or a...

Your question: All brown trains or a little more color?

More color would be nicer. How about the RC locomotives?
I think that these RC loks also drove or still drive on this route?
Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-09, 23:15
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
Hello Hgv thank you for your investigation! ...

Hello Hgv

thank you for your investigation!

I am sure that I arrived in Rautas absolutely on time. Probably 2 minutes earlier than the timetable.
But I will certainly try again.

Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-09, 19:18
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
Thanks for short reply! In Bergfors I was able...

Thanks for short reply!
In Bergfors I was able to wait (a long time) until the train comes. So far it works on my system.

I will try this again, if possible tomorrow or on the week end.

Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-09, 16:30
Svar: 17
Visningar: 19 044
Postat av Yellow_wing
Scenario: Veterantag Björkliden-Kiruna

Dear HGV

Your scenario where great!! Best thanks for your efforts!

In the scenario I have a problem.

I've got the order to drive to Rautas spar 2.
After the hold in Rautas I can't drive...
Forum: DTG - Train Simulator - Downloads 2021-03-04, 11:27
Svar: 17
Visningar: 55 685
Postat av Yellow_wing
Hello HGV I have no experience with this...

Hello HGV

I have no experience with this route and the IORE locomotive. I have ordered them and hope I could drive it soo.

Question: Which Train Simulator version do you use?

In real life, a...
Forum: Allmänt om tågsimulatorer 2021-03-03, 21:42
Svar: 346
Visningar: 830 592
Postat av Yellow_wing
Thank you very much!! Kind regards Yellow

Thank you very much!!

Kind regards
Forum: Allmänt om tågsimulatorer 2021-03-01, 20:36
Svar: 346
Visningar: 830 592
Postat av Yellow_wing
Dear Train Simers, Unfortunately I only...

Dear Train Simers,

Unfortunately I only speak German (from Switzerland) or English.

I am interested in the Narvik-Kiruna-Luleå route.

Forum: Trainz - Downloads 2017-03-11, 19:33
Svar: 12
Visningar: 21 217
Postat av Yellow_wing
Thanks Nisse You've got an email form me. ...

Thanks Nisse

You've got an email form me.

Forum: Trainz - Downloads 2017-03-11, 13:35
Svar: 12
Visningar: 21 217
Postat av Yellow_wing
Sorry: Download link does not working. It is...

Sorry: Download link does not working. It is possible to have a relaod?

Best thanks!
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